Jan 17, 2005

the gay bomb

as if directly out of a comic strip the government releases new information on it's weapons programs

Pentagon sexes up the battle: But ‘Gay Bomb’ goes bust in the lab
By Jules Crittenden
Saturday, January 15, 2005
We asked. They told.

The Gay Bomb, a Pentagon spokesman confirmed yesterday, was a real proposal - an idea floated by Air Force researchers to render enemy troops ineffective by rendering them homosexual.

It was 1994. Some creative thinkers at a Wright Patterson Air Force Base lab were brainstorming on possible non-lethal weapon projects. Someone hit on this:

"Category # 3: Chemicals that affect human behavior so that discipline and morale in enemy units is adversely affected. One distasteful but completely non-lethal example would be strong aphrodisiacs, especially if the chemical also caused homosexual behavior.''

It is unclear what substance would jack up the sex drive and break down the inhibitions of normally heterosexual troops. Presumeably, the idea was that rampant homosexual activity would cause shame and confusion, destroying unit cohesion.

The Pentagon didn't bite.

"Gay Bomb' is not our term,'' said Marine Capt. Daniel McSweeney, who spent all day fielding calls after the unorthodox proposal was brought out of a Pentagon closet by a watchdog group called the Sunshine Project.

"It was not taken seriously. It was not considered for further development,'' he said. ``By way of context, the Department of Defense received literally hundreds of proposals for non-lethal weapons. Admittedly, some of them were non-traditional.'
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