Second Best Cartoonist Death Ever
Johnny Hart the creator of "B.C." died this weekend.
And I hope I'm not speaking too soon after a creator's death, but let's end "B.C." honorably and not have yet another strip by a deceased artist on the comic pages. No reruns or new artists, please. Just put in some new talent that can hopefully build a legacy like these artists.
...Johnny Hart, who died Saturday at age 76 while working at his home in the nearby hamlet of Nineveh. “He had a stroke,” his wife, Bobby, said Sunday. “He died at his storyboard.”First place goes to Charles Schulz:
Schulz died in Santa Rosa of a heart attack at 9:45 p.m. on February 12, 2000, at age 77. He was interred in Pleasant Hills Cemetery in Sebastopol. The last original strip ran the day after his death.I can only hope to be able to regularly produce work that long, then croak with an unfinished comic on the table.
And I hope I'm not speaking too soon after a creator's death, but let's end "B.C." honorably and not have yet another strip by a deceased artist on the comic pages. No reruns or new artists, please. Just put in some new talent that can hopefully build a legacy like these artists.
The comic industry lost one of its inlfluential cartoonists that day.
Say what you will about his recent "B.C." the strip was very good in the beginning. I recommend everyone checking out those old paperbacks. Hart was a master cartoonist with an eye for style.
Even when he converted to Christianity and brought it over to his strip, he would still have witty moments.
Rest in peace, Mr. Hart, and thanks for all the laughs.
I artists bad, but reruns good. Why not start back at the beginning and rerun it until the end, at least one more time? I never read BC but if it actually IS that funny, why not, in general, do something like that? I really hate it when there's nothing on TV, no new books to read, nothing good in the funnies...etc.
the space is so tight and valued that it should be given to a new artist. The comics page desperately needs some new blood.
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I agree, Matt.
It benefited Patrick McDonnell when many newspapers replaced "Calvin and Hobbes" with his comic strip "Mutts," which, IMO, is of the greatest daily comic ever.
When "FoxTrot" ended its daily run to become a Sunday-only strip, many replaced it with "Pearls Before Swine" and "Lio," (the latter which only began last year). They're also good strips that deserves whatever newsprint it can get. "Pearls" also benefited when "Boondocks" came to an end (my newspaper replaced it with "Pearls," so I'm assuming that's what many others picked)
Many cartoonists should be like Howie Schneider. He had the right idea to end "Eek & Meek" when he retired (the strip ran 1965 to 2000). Howie returned doing a new strip in 2003, but it's a new strip, at least.
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