Women's Lib
When mothers send their sons to war they dread them being killed in an IED attack or captured and beheaded by Islamic fanatics. Sending your daughter to war comes with a different set of worries: that she will be raped by her very own countrymen.
Citing Department of Defense stats Representative Jane Harman wrote a column in the Los Angeles Times this week on the matter:
At the heart of this crisis is an apparent inability or unwillingness to prosecute rapists in the ranks. According to DOD statistics, only 181 out of 2,212 subjects investigated for sexual assault in 2007, including 1,259 reports of rape, were referred to courts-martial, the equivalent of a criminal prosecution in the military. Another 218 were handled via nonpunitive administrative action or discharge, and 201 subjects were disciplined through "nonjudicial punishment," which means they may have been confined to quarters, assigned extra duty or received a similar slap on the wrist. In nearly half of the cases investigated, the chain of command took no action; more than a third of the time, that was because of "insufficient evidence."It's well known, and even stated in the report, that most sexual assaults go unreported. In the military I'd fancy a guess it's at the higher end. The real numbers are probably staggering.
Jesus, that's disturbing. Yet, given the context, I can't say I'm totally surprised. Train men to kill, psychologically condition them in order to inflate their sense of power and to dehumanize The Other, and completely render them powerless in any number of other ways so that they have few outlets for stress that are not violent - all within the larger patriarchal context - and this should be expected.
Which is not to say it should be condoned. The military isn't prosecuting the rapists, because they a) don't take it seriously, b) discourage complaints from any soldier (signs of weakness), and c) need all the bodies they can throw into this blood bath.
Shit, they're admitting recruits with criminal records now.
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