Grand Bipartisan Solution

Obama and other Democrats voted for a new, more expansive FISA law, granting immunity to the telecoms despite not knowing exactly what they did. The FISA court was already so permissive it's kind of a wonder Bush needed to insist on more power. Almost every single warrant ever brought was rubber stamped by a secret court. They could even start wiretapping and saunter in three days later and get it approved.
I suppose when there is an election coming up, caving into a President with horribly low approval ratings is seen as strength and the clear and simple language of the 4th Amendment is "just words."
Congress' approval is at 9% right now. That's basically a national "no confidence" vote. I think Robert Mugabe might be shamed into stepping down if his approval got that low.
Wednesday: Happy Thoughts for the Mental Recession
I suppose when there is an election coming up, caving into a President with horribly low approval ratings is seen as strength and the clear and simple language of the 4th Amendment is "just words."
Congress' approval is at 9% right now. That's basically a national "no confidence" vote. I think Robert Mugabe might be shamed into stepping down if his approval got that low.
Wednesday: Happy Thoughts for the Mental Recession
god-effing-dammit Matt, thanks for bringing out the radical leftists in me again to start the week. Although, idealistically, I should be this all the time.
Can we all just purchase together a big message Obama will have to hear that says like "stop running to the center and instead explain your positions to people so they will know that you're superior without all the renunciations and the NASCAR sucking up and the bullcrap."
I feel like if a bunch of people kicked in for that, he'd have to take it seriously because I"m assuming most of us who do would be people who've given something to the campaign already.
Solid. I liked the land of make believe icon. We'll see a lot more of that.
Matt--I just wish this issue wasn't seen as a leftist one (FISA).
While I'm pretty solidly on the left, there isn't much wiggle room in the Fourth Amendment.
Like the Iraq War, there were plenty who voted against this FISA bill. Why they needed to cave in to President that's widely despised I don't know.
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