Sep 26, 2008

Here I am Now, Entertain Me

Today we may or may not have the first presidential debate. I've never been more excited to spend a Friday on the couch drinking beer. This election has been going on for a year and half and a day before the debate McCain wants to reschedule? Fuck that.

Let's not forget that no matter how exciting, debates don't matter. We all made up our minds long ago. The dum dums aren't watching this shit and they aren't even getting some weird right-wing spin version from Rush. All those people know who they are voting for too. How the morons decide, I don't know.

But I like debates. Looking back to 2004 we saw that technically winning a debate doesn't count for much. Message to Obama: No one watching is a swing voter. Drop the boring policy talk and bust out the zingers!


Blogger Sumit Khanna said...

It is really sad. After watching the debates I realized I hated both candidates equally. There is very little difference between the two.

They both believe the troop surge worked (it didn't..violence was going down before we got in there cause they had finished killing all that they could), that we should buy out large industry (read: nationalize) which will eventually give us a good 4 year recessions unlike if we let them die and have a 1 year recessions...

It was the same old crap. We don't have presidents anymore. There are no more FDRs or Woodrow Willisons. The American people don't even realize what a sham the money system is and how we can never be out of national debt with the Federal Reserve Bank in place.

Vote Nobody. Nobody tells the truth. Nobody will listen. If you vote for Nobody, think will get better. Vote Nobody.

4:40 PM  

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