The New GOP
The GOP hasn't learned a lot from their November defeat. Their new strategy seems to be to yell about tax cuts even louder and with greater frequency. Being a moderate Republican or a conservative egghead these days means pretending your party isn't made up of--and controlled by--the sneering stupidity of the Rush Limbaughs and Sarah Palins of the world.
This comic contains some things that have been on my mind lately: Snuggies, Shepard Fairey posters and Sean Hannity. Have you seen his new Alan Colmes-less show? It's a priceless glimpse into the mind of a paranoid reactionary.
I caught a segment about the woman who had octuplets that implied you, me and all hard-working Americans are going to have to pony up for her 14 kids to have car insurance when they are teenagers. Remember that Hannity makes around $100,000 a day. He could pay for the daily wages of four full-time nannies for the woman with the income he makes before taking his morning shit.
You can tune in to the show at almost any point for reality-bending statements. Here's an exchange I caught Friday between him and Whoopi Goldberg.
Hannity: Maybe this is naive. Maybe I'm living in a fantasy land. Maybe I need to live in Disney. Because if you're our president, tell me the truth. We lived with a president recently that didn't tell us the truth.
Whoopi: Yeah, but you guys defended this cat for--
Hannity: I'm talking about Clinton.
Whoopi: I'm talking about Mr. Bush.
Hannity: George Bush didn't lie.
Whoopi: [shocked expression gives way to hysterical laughter.]
Matt, just for some clarification, Ayn Rand is more the icon of the objecitivist movement, not the conservative movement.
BTW, there are idiots in the republican ranks (Limbaugh, Hannity), but don't forget that the democrats are rife with moronic blowhards as well (Michael Moore, Keith Olbermann, ect.)
You're right about Rand. Right-wingers like her nonetheless. (the ones that read.)
You're right about them being blowhards. But the comic never says otherwise--it's focusing on the GOP.
Olbermann, yes. Moore, no.
Objectivists might not be conservatives, but they're both turds. Same goes for centrists.
Olbermann and Maddow are on my shit list until they can Ariana from their pundit roster.
Brian: I can only guess what your assessment of libertarians is.
Unfortunately, Rand and Rothbard have been co-opted by "neoconservatives". Rand and Rothbard were corageous enogh to denounce totalitarian so-called communist societies. However, they failed to denounce corporatism, collusion between government and big capital and monopolistic tendencies. It is easier to attack unions than corporation. A truly libertarian or objectivist should see how thin is the difference between coertion and consent in modern societies.
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