Mar 21, 2009

Retention Camp Bonus

There's quite a letter in the NYTimes today:
A.I.G. entered into legally enforceable contracts with individuals who have not been convicted, or even charged, with wrongdoing. Years from now, history will view this extraordinary act as similar to the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II and the Salem witch trials, an embarrassment to our great nation.
Yes, we'll all hang our heads in shame in a few decades at the opening of the Rich CEO Oppression Museum as Congress drafts an official apology for heavily taxing some of the richest--and most incompetent--people in the land. This Trail of Tears style of oppression must end!


Blogger Kevin Moore said...

You can enslave the body, but the mind and spirit are free!

10:16 PM  
Blogger Outis said...

Not that I have sympathy for the AIG bonus recipients, but this whole thing is stupid. Congress rushes through ill-conceived, half baked bailouts, then is shocked when something like this happens, so they react by doing something else ill-conceived, half baked, and probably unconstitutional. What a bunch of clowns...neither party is immune.

10:19 AM  
Blogger Outis said...

P.S. I agree with your point though that it doesn't rise to the level the the previous humanitarian abuses mentioned in the letter quoted.

10:21 AM  
Blogger grendelkhan said...

Clearly you haven't yet plumbed the manky depths of sympathy for our neofeudal overlords. You see, we're on the verge of some pogroms at the very least, maybe a Holocaust, even, against the new Jews--that is, the poor beleaguered members of the Productive Class. I ask you, Can Kristallnacht be far behind!

10:03 AM  
Blogger Sumit Khanna said...

Why does Congress just react so much? I know it sucks that they're getting these bonuses (all of which combined if paid back wouldn't really make a huge dent in their massive budget problem) but the reason this is happening is people hurried through all these bailout measures and the TARP funding without reading any of it!

Congressmen get 200 page documents the day before they had to vote on the measures.

Instead of reacting on "eminent collapse" they should have taken the time, waited a week or two, and though this whole thing out. The industry would not have failed. It was all scare tactics and it's working again and again to give banks more power. The more you bail them out, the less money they have to make by issuing loans.

The name of the Japanese-American internment camp was Manzanar BTW. Remember it. It was embarrassment, but no where near as an embarrassment as Abu Ghraib or Guantanamo or the fact that Obama is letting Bush, Cheney and Rummy totally off the hook for crimes against humanity. The AIG stuff is the last thing to be ashamed about.

12:28 PM  

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