Mailbag Douchebag--braindameishd edition!
A confused reader writes:
Then there's Klaus:
Your Cartoon about healthcare reform is so far off target it makes me wonder how deep into your pockets the democrats are. Sure Health Care needs reform but not as presented by any of the fools on capitol hill who have no connection with what really goes on. Ask Dr or a RN what the main problem is and they will tell you in three words... For Profit Hospitals. Since these name in vogue medical costs have skyrocketed driven not by illness but by Wall Street which demands a profit no matter the human cost or cost to the economy.This person would not tell me which health care cartoon of mine they were talking about, but I don't remember trumpeting for-profit hospitals in any of them. Nor have I cashed any checks from the DNC. (They pay me under the table for my loyalty.)
Then there's Klaus:
I did not like it! Your drawing is not so great. Your thinking is under it. This message is from Finland and from a real socialist, witch you have never seen in land of the free and braindameishd. Do you have schools for those who read the Bible and those who read every book they can put they hand on. Have a nice day!No clue.
If the Finnish guy is using some type of translation software, it proves we still have a long way to go on writing good translations software.
If not, is shows that he really needs to invest in some decent translation software, or take a few more English courses.
I think the first writer might have been trying to suggest that public health care is missing the point as long as hospitals remain for-profit. I'm actually inclined to agree with that, at least a little.
No no, Matt, the first guy thinks that the Democrats are in YOUR pocket. Little did we realize that Matt Bors was the Monty Burns/Kingpin/Dick Cheney of the cartooning world.
I can understand the train of logic behind the malapropism, but it's fun to mock, anyway.
That second one is a little jewel of crazy, just like when you see a bumper sticker saying, "I'll keep my money, my guns, and my freedom you can keep your 'change'". Sometimes you just have to stand back in awe.
... And I'm from Norway and in a real socialist, and I think you ignores the real question: Do you have democratic money which you have received every time you write a comic or blog entry.
Eirik, yes, Matt is paid for each blog item and cartoon by the Democratic Natural Committee, People for Ethical Treatment of Enamels, the American Chimerical Society and allowed all the recovered oil from the Exxon Valdez spill to be stored in his swimming pool.
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