There will be time enough for accounting...

Ted Kennedy was about as good as Democratic Senators are going to get. He genuinely believed in, fought for, and enacted progressive change. Legislation he helped pass probably improved the quality of your life or someone you know. Conservatives hated him for it and constantly reminded us of Chappaquiddick, an event some of them managed to morph into a murder.
I don't totally begrudge them for constantly bringing it up over the years. Not only did Kennedy use his privilege to avoid the punishment that surely would have come down upon us normals, he managed to hold on to a frickin' Senate seat in the process--an admirable feat even for the most well connected. Later he mounted a presidential campaign! You can't even recover from an extra-marital affair in Argentina these days.
It's a deep stain on his legacy but one contrasted by a lifetime of doing good in the public sphere. The same can't be said for Bush, Cheney and Co. Their crimes are ignored by those who yelp about Chappaquiddick. And when they pass no criticism should be spared.
I'm no fan of dynastic privilege, nor do I feel any particular connection to the Kennedy family. This cartoon from earlier in the year encapsulates my thoughts on Camelot worship.
The woman on the right side of the comic is modeled after my cartoonist friend Mikhaela Reid.
"Hey, that looks like Mikhaela! I wonder if that was intentional..."
10 seconds later:
"Well, that answers that question."
Me too! I thought it looked like her before I read that.
Great cartoon!
Yes indeed. Well played, Matt.
Teddy made a mistake- and a bloody big, bad one. King George made big bloody bad mistakes into official government policy.
In your accounting of deaths, you forgot the millions of babies killed because of Teddy's support of abortion.
I usually like your cartoons, but please explain exactly WHO the hundred thousand civilians are!!! I think you have him mixed up with the Clintos who have a habit of making people in the know "disappear".
Im pretty sure those hundred-thousand civilians are that group of civilians who died from a needless and baseless war. And I was unaware that merely supporting abortion rights constitutes murder. So if we take that each person who supports abortion murders millions of babies and multiply that by the millions who support abortion rights, the number of murdered people is somewhere in the quadrillions. Truly powerful imagery...
What Kyle said.
Matt Bors you are real piece of sh1t, comparing someone who actually killed, so someone that was in office as congress declared war. Why don't you also demonize Harry Truman, Abraham Lincoln since their policies killed more people than either one of those 2.
Congratulations -- you've acquired your very own ignorant, right-wing douchebag trolls. I think that means you've officially hit The Big Time.
Uncork that bubbly!
If you are going to call Bush a murderer for civilian deaths during wartime, then you should include the Democrat icons Roosevelt for the bombing of European cities, Truman for the firebombing of Japanese cities, as well as Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and now Obama for the continued civilian deaths in Afghanistan just this week. You can save the discussion of whether a war was "just" or "illegal" for another day. In either case the civilians are just as dead. If you want to bring up "torture" of combatants, try watching the film of American soldiers deep-fat-frying Japanese soldiers with flame throwers. (Please note that I was able to discuss this without resorting to name-calling.)
Anonymous most recently said: "Please note that I was able to discuss this without resorting to name-calling."
But earlier said:"Matt Bors you are real piece of sh1t..."
Unless, of course, we're talking about more than one ill-informed, fact-twisting wingnut.
I really don't understand these people who seem to think you're some stooge of the democrats. It's like they look at one comic of yours criticizing the GOP and ignore all the ones where you're quite critical of the democrats. And to Anonymous#3, while those things you listed were certainly beneficial to the war efforts in those times, that does nothing to detract from their repulsiveness. Far too often we forget about the tragic casualties involved in each situation simply because it helped the US win a war, even going so far as to actually have state holidays celebrating the deaths of over 200,000 civilians (specifically Victory over Japan day in Rhode Island)
Matt, if the character on the right is inspired by Mikhaela, she should have much bigger boobs. I'm talking 'going to take over the western hemisphere' sort of bigger.
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