Apr 5, 2010

Jesus Vs. Pope

When faced with the opportunity to remove a child rapist from his position of power that he uses to prey on victims, anyone with the slightest hint of morality would do so in a heartbeat - then ask if they could chop his balls off for good measure. Joe Ratzinger would much rather sweep it under the rug so his organization can keep the moral high ground while scribbling encyclicals on the evils of spermicidal lubricant.

Faced with mounting evidence that the Vatican has been actively covering up a child abuse cases for decades, they are choosing to attack the media and portray themselves as victims on par with the persecution faced by Jews. I find it a strange comparison because, unless I'm mistaken, being starved and shot to death in a concentration camp is in no way similar to having newspaper articles written about your child rape fests. Given the unpleasant fact that Ratzinger was goosestepping in the Hitler Youth at the time, it makes for a clumsy comparison.

Meanwhile, the bigoted Bill Donahue of the Catholic League decided this was a great time to blame gays for all this. Just another humble Catholic leader focusing on what really matters here.

Wednesday: Pissed


Blogger Unknown said...

Some friends of mine attend a very conservative Catholic church, and my wife asked them whether anyone has mentioned the child-rape coverup, either in sermon or otherwise. And, what do you know, only once in passing did the priest mention vaguely that bad people were attacking their leader.

Also, Joe Soucheray, a columnist who writes for out local paper, the Saint Paul Pioneer Press, wrote a piece about how HE was never molested by HIS priests as a boy. And, well, Mr. Soucheray is not exactly a good-looking man. I can imagine the scene at his Catholic school, with the various priests and other holy men leering at the students, calling dibs on various good-looking boys and lasciviously making plans. Then little Joe happens by, digging his finger in his ass and then picking his nose, his face dull and blank, thoughts of bologna sandwiches oozing sluggishly underneath his simian forehead. Two priests look at each other with a shudder. "Not even after a gallon o' communion wine," says one. "Not even for all the Guinness in County Cork," says the other. Thus setting the stage for big Joe's March 2010 column, defending the goodness and purity of the one true church.

9:37 AM  
Blogger William said...

It's also a bit nervy for the Catholic Church to bring up the persecution of Jews, at all, ever -- as though, you know, that was something other people did.

9:52 AM  
Blogger SFJazz said...

Ugh. I followed that link to the King interview with Donahue. That has to be one of the more disgusting things I've read in a while. These Catholic church officials are just like cockroaches, they scurry like mad when you shine the light on them. Also, why didn't anyone on the King show BLAST Donahue for those comments. Anyone there should have immediately called him a scumbag, informed him that the age of consent is 18 in this country, and then walked off the show.

11:26 AM  
Blogger Emphyrio said...

I saw this cartoon in a round-up of such at Daily Kos. There must have been a dozen on the same subject.

There were some funny ones, but you definitely kicked it up a level above everybody -- and right over the moon.


6:16 PM  
Blogger MC Nedelsky said...

It's a great cartoon, but Hitler youth jibe is not quite fair. I have alot of friends from Europe (not just Germany), and if you were young in any of the Nazi countries but especially Germany, then you were part of the Hitler youth. I don't think we'd link Christian summer camps in America with the war in Iraq would we?

12:36 AM  
Blogger DL said...

To some extent, Hitler Youth was a compulsory organization. So, Ratzi is not to be blame for being a part of them. Of course, he could resist enlistment, but then he would be now a martyr and not a pope.

6:50 AM  

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