Apr 23, 2010

Mailbag Douchebag - Armed and Dangerous Edition

Racists scored a huge victory today with Arizona's racist immigration law. A&D is a racist who isn't too into the comic I did on it this week.

Who's side are you on? Make way you communist sympathizer, we are on the MARCH from SEA TO SHINING SEA! So quit your illegal alien sympathizing and shut the FUCK UP. Our revolution will be victorious, and we will reclaim the lands which are rightfully ours.

Step down pussy.

-Armed and Dangerous.

Oh, best part. Subject line: "Bors you Unamerican Piece of Shit." Thanks for writing Mr. Dangerous. Please don't shoot me in my unamerican pussy.


Blogger Big Mark 243 said...

... reading this on a commercial break from 'Hitler and the Occult' on the Military Channel... the similarities between the rise of Nazism (uh, weren't they philosophically fascist? aren't the actions and policy of the right more similar than that of the current administration..? jus' sayin') and the the occultism of the right...

I mean, that is what is going on..? There isn't any teachings of Jesus that support some of the crap those loons believe. To call it 'ironic' that most Americans are 'immgrants' and got here any way they could is spot on, I think.

Keep up the good work.

7:39 PM  
Blogger SFJazz said...

"Our revolution will be victorious, and we will reclaim the lands which are rightfully ours."

They're going to Europe? Wow! That's good news! At least now these nutjobs will be off our hands.

11:06 AM  
Blogger FifthInterval said...

Wow - who knew you would catch so much hell from the Native American community? I mean, sure, it's about 400 years overdue for them to rise up and claim back the land that's rightfully theirs, but better late than never, I guess.

12:39 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I agree with SFJazz, forget manifest destiny, call it what it really is: Entitlement. Then again, that house down the street is really nice, I'm gonna go manifest destiny the heck out of it, see ya!

1:13 PM  
Blogger Kevin Moore said...

I predict A&D will collapse of cardiac arrest three blocks from his house on the sea-to-shining-sea march. The other marchers will take a lunch break at McDonalds and get into a factional dispute over Happy Meal toys, destroying the movement at it's moment of birth.

1:15 PM  

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