Nov 11, 2004

Moral Values®

In the Democratic Party there's a battle brewing over this ridiculous issue of morals everyone supposedly voted on. Do we need to be more conservative? more centrist? more religious? We don't need to shift to their side, we need to take control of the argument. It is moral, Christian, and just to renounce torture, pre-emptive war, environmental destruction, and corporate handouts. These issues effect everyone's lives every day, unlike gay marriage which effects a small portion of our society and is inconsequential to the rest of us. Change will happen slowly, slower than we hoped It would a few weeks ago, but it will happen. In the short history of our country progressives have fought against slavery, for voting rights, women's rights, equal rights, abortion rights, labor rights, a minimum wage, social security, and environmental laws. We won every time. Let the Bushies have the evangelicals, we already have half of the population and history on our side.


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