New Strip: Rules of the Road
Much has been made of the Italian journalist who was shot after she was rescued from insurgents. She claimed she may have been targeted by the military. Networks were quick to point out she worked for the communist paper 'Il Manifesto' and that her release was brought about by paying a ransom, as if to descredit her. Neither of these two factors have anything to do with why she was fired on (unless they wanted to kill her for being a communist, I suppose). The death of journalists in the field and innocent civilians at roadblocks happens so regularly now, like torture, that it should cause us to examine some of our policies leading to it.
Number One: The policy of us occupying Iraq is the main factor in these tragic events. If we leave I believe that all accidental deaths by the hands of U.S. soldiers would drop to zero (call me crazy).
Number Two: Firing 'warning shots' in a war torn nation into a vehicle is not the best way to get them to pull over.
We have a shoot first, ask questions later mentality that carries over into everything we do. It's what got us into the war in the first place: Invade Now! Create the reason later.
Rules of the Road

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Number One: The policy of us occupying Iraq is the main factor in these tragic events. If we leave I believe that all accidental deaths by the hands of U.S. soldiers would drop to zero (call me crazy).
Number Two: Firing 'warning shots' in a war torn nation into a vehicle is not the best way to get them to pull over.
We have a shoot first, ask questions later mentality that carries over into everything we do. It's what got us into the war in the first place: Invade Now! Create the reason later.
Rules of the Road

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