Nov 27, 2007


It's just amazing how much political difference there is between America and Europe in regards to pious politicians.
Tony Blair avoided talking about his religious views while in office for fear of being labelled "a nutter", the former prime minister has revealed..."you talk about it in our system and, frankly, people do think you're a nutter."

[His former spokesman] has now acknowledged to the programme that his former boss "does do God in quite a big way", but that both men feared the public would be wary.

They would be wary of a politician talking about religion. In America, blind faith in god is a prerequisite. Candidates for president proclaim how many times a day they pray and how many pages of the Bible they've memorized.

And I like how they add that T-E-R to the end of Nut. Nutter. Hey, you. You're a nutter.


Blogger Kevin Moore said...

"Nutter" implies an extra level of crazy on the part of the person being described and a dollop of contempt from the person uttering it. A good word.

I also like "batshit loco." That's super crazy.

And now look...we made baby Jesus cry. :_{

11:20 AM  
Blogger Avi said...

I don't mind politicians talking about their religion, as long as they aren't nutty about it. Like, since when is gay marriage more important that helping homeless? And what about that eye of the needle thing? Do they really read their Bible, or did they pick up the cliff notes?

1:23 PM  

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