Nov 26, 2007

When Impeachment Was On The Table

"Impeachment is off the table."
-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)

I understand that ousting Bush from office is not realistic. As we near the next election it becomes less and less likely. But at some point does Congress have an obligation to the country and Constitution to at least try to impeach Bush--to have an actual debate over whether he committed any crimes--to make some historical record that a President should not do this in the future--to send a message that they actually care about the rule of law?

There are a few conservatives who care as much as liberals. Jack Clark, of the Blast The Right podcast, interviewed conservative constitutional scholar Bruce Fein, who drafted articles of impeachment against Bill Clinton and supports impeaching Bush and Cheney. In the interview Fein says, "None of the candidates for 2008 have sought to distance themselves from these extravagant claims of the President and the Democrats in the House and Senate or relatively mute as well, which suggest that there is a fear factor at work in the country that is very dangerous to the future of checks and balances and measured government." Fein, along with other disaffected conservatives, has founded which has created a 10 point pledge for Republican candidates that includes denouncing torture and restoring habeas corpus. Only Ron Paul has signed it. Looking at the entire list, I have doubts about any "top tier" Democratic candidates singing on.

Bruce Fein supported impeaching Bill Clinton on pure principal, not for political reasons. He lied under oath. While they voted not to remove him from office, his impeachment could have sent a message to all future leaders: Lie about anything--even a blowjob--and we'll go after you.

The Bush Administration's actions have to leave people wondering what exactly one does have to do to warrant impeachment these days. If Bush were to physically shred the actual Constitution or personally torture a muslim detainee not charged with a crime on live television, I imagine Harry Reid would send out a fundraising e-mail.

Whether in two years or two hundred, a new power hungry madman or woman will want to gut the Constitution and consolidate power. When they look back at how the country responded to Bush they'll see the message is clear: Have at it!


Blogger Kevin Moore said...

It's pretty damn sad. I think the Clinton impeachment process helped trivialize the concept, so that weightier matters than a blowjob are reduced to the same level.

For all the heat Democrats take, I think the fault lies with Republicans who refuse to look at the last 6 years with any degree of intellectual honesty. I am not given to partisan ways of thinking, but this is an instance where I understand Democratic reluctance. Had they had a stronger majority in Congress, a lot of things would be different, from the war in Iraq to impeachment. I do wish they would fight harder, tho.

6:50 PM  
Blogger Kevin Moore said...

Oh, and: Great cartoon!

6:50 PM  
Blogger Matt Bors said...

You know everyone of them would oppose Hillary Clinton taking these kind of actions; wiretapping, signing statements, etc.

7:32 PM  

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