
Cloned Beef will be appearing on the American market soon since the FDA has recently approved it. Despite lacking a single scientific reason, a lot of people worry that cloned beef will somehow be worse than normal beef that is ground up in a slaughterhouse. Alec Baldwin, who for some reason has his thoughts put on one of the most popular political websites in the world, the Huffington Post, cites worries such as "Many in Congress also oppose the FDA ruling," which is not a good indicator of anything. Many in Congress opposes stem cell research and the idea of human rights.
Beef isn't healthy for you and I don't eat it. I hardly eat any meat. I also don't think cloning is weird. Factory farming is incredibly wasteful (not to mention unnecessarily cruel). I'm looking forward to the day when we can produce meat on giant trays, without bodies attached, and rid ourselves of the moral quandaries and environmental costs of producing meat (it's being worked on). We could make it healthier, in whatever colors are in that season and taste like mint chocolate chip ice cream! I, for one, am quite excited about the Brave New World!
We can also make this Bob The Angry Flower strip become a reality. And I want to do that as often as science permits so I hope someone smart is on top of it.
Beef isn't healthy for you and I don't eat it. I hardly eat any meat. I also don't think cloning is weird. Factory farming is incredibly wasteful (not to mention unnecessarily cruel). I'm looking forward to the day when we can produce meat on giant trays, without bodies attached, and rid ourselves of the moral quandaries and environmental costs of producing meat (it's being worked on). We could make it healthier, in whatever colors are in that season and taste like mint chocolate chip ice cream! I, for one, am quite excited about the Brave New World!
We can also make this Bob The Angry Flower strip become a reality. And I want to do that as often as science permits so I hope someone smart is on top of it.
I have always known that I would live during the Soylent Green Days. I feel like Saul. I just can't believe just how stupid people really are by allowing themselves to bel lulled to sleep with things like who is the most popular couple??? Brad and Anjolina or John and Kate plus 8!!! Get your heads out of your ass and look at the big picture here. Cloning is bad period!!! It is bad for your health and on more reasons than I can count and would you trust a government who basically was the the catalyst for bringing down the entire world financial market for the love of money!!! Why do you think Soylent was Green?? The people behind the cloning are the same people you might as well just get hammered in the head...Do you know what they feed these cloned critter's?? Did you know that almost all copy cows aren't even having live births?? Food for all living creatures is at stake here. It is a sad time...
The stage is being set for the New World Order and they already know that land ...yes, land will be the next thing to go and that is why cloning is another answer for the world wide hunger we will all soon experience. The sea level is rising and less land will be available after these geographical changes occur. I say get some friends together and start communes and be self sustainable on higher ground and pray, mediatate what ever title works for you. We are in for a bumpy ride and wait until all hell breaks lose regarding your safety. It will be the haves and have nots and the have nots will be working to protect the haves....Buy guns and good luck finding the ammunition that will be needed when you will be without power and food and at the same time trying to escape the winds that are going to be blowing. O'h did I mention health?? This isn't a pitty party this is time for people to get together and look at the big picture!!! We are one!!!
Cloning is simply wrong and the masses are acting just like they want them to tv, twitter and roll around in their hamster balls. People need to take a stand!! Enough is enough!! Question Authority or go work for the man who uses real seeds for the vegetables and real meat!!
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