Apr 18, 2008

Flag Woman

TPM posted about the flag pin questioner from the ABC debate. She's a single issue voter and that issue is who is wearing their flag lapel pin. She was quoted recently in the NYT:

"How can I vote for a president who won't wear a flag pin?" Mrs. McCabe, a recently unemployed clerk typist, said in a booth at the Valley Dairy luncheonette in this quiet, small city in western Pennsylvania.

And this article talks more about her. Her husband's on disability. They're in debt. She's out of work and he is set to have brain surgery next week.

So she's a small town American that's unemployed, has become bitter and clings to flag pins as her defining issue--something that doesn't effect her life in any way. But hey, Obama is out of touch if he mentions that people are actually like this.

On paper, her stances make her as likely to support Obama as Clinton.

But she sees a difference between the two. In Clinton, she sees someone who has struggled for years, just like her, and has earned the right to be president.
hmm. The phrase "antipathy towards people who aren't like them" just popped into my head.


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