Sean Delonas: Worse Than a Hack
Another day, another cartoon that makes me ashamed of my chosen profession.
Sean Delonas is a cartoonist whose work runs in the NY Post. His cartoons are usually ad hominem attacks on gays, women, fat people, and celebrities, which is why they run on on "Page 6." Nothing funny or clever finds its way out of this guy's brain. But apparently he is so flattered by himself he copies his own cartoons. (found on Queerty via Rob Tornoe.)
Here is his cartoon for April 6 ridiculing Thomas Beatie, the "pregnant man."

"Any Suggestions?"
I have one: deliver the baby.
Now, two months later, Sean is so incredibly inept and unqualified as a cartoonist that he can't even think of an original idea for the day--so he plagiarizes his own shitty cartoon. Hack is too nice a word. It insults normal hack cartoonists who churn out crap, but still bother to make a new drawing or joke. Delonas simply redrew the comic and issued it on June 10. This time he dropped half the words.

I have one: Resign.
Where are the Editors on this stuff? Do they find the fact that someone they pay to draw cartoons thinks he can mirror his own work and turn it in for the day? You see things like this, you look at the identical and predictable cartoons being drawn every day and editorial cartoonists wonder why we're getting laid off.
I flipped the one around and made two images...

When overlaid, you can see he didn't even eyeball it, but traced almost the entire cartoon.

This is lunacy. Why even go to all the trouble of redrawing it? Just reissue it. Want to make fun of the trans man again? Here, it's easy. Let's see...pregnant guy on delivery table. The doctor looks over and says "It's a boy." Draw it from a different angle and there you go: one hack cartoon for the day. It took me three seconds to think up.
Sean Delonas is a cartoonist whose work runs in the NY Post. His cartoons are usually ad hominem attacks on gays, women, fat people, and celebrities, which is why they run on on "Page 6." Nothing funny or clever finds its way out of this guy's brain. But apparently he is so flattered by himself he copies his own cartoons. (found on Queerty via Rob Tornoe.)
Here is his cartoon for April 6 ridiculing Thomas Beatie, the "pregnant man."

"Any Suggestions?"
I have one: deliver the baby.
Now, two months later, Sean is so incredibly inept and unqualified as a cartoonist that he can't even think of an original idea for the day--so he plagiarizes his own shitty cartoon. Hack is too nice a word. It insults normal hack cartoonists who churn out crap, but still bother to make a new drawing or joke. Delonas simply redrew the comic and issued it on June 10. This time he dropped half the words.

I have one: Resign.
Where are the Editors on this stuff? Do they find the fact that someone they pay to draw cartoons thinks he can mirror his own work and turn it in for the day? You see things like this, you look at the identical and predictable cartoons being drawn every day and editorial cartoonists wonder why we're getting laid off.
I flipped the one around and made two images...

When overlaid, you can see he didn't even eyeball it, but traced almost the entire cartoon.

This is lunacy. Why even go to all the trouble of redrawing it? Just reissue it. Want to make fun of the trans man again? Here, it's easy. Let's see...pregnant guy on delivery table. The doctor looks over and says "It's a boy." Draw it from a different angle and there you go: one hack cartoon for the day. It took me three seconds to think up.
I've e-mailed Sean and his editor early Monday to get their take, but they haven't responded.
Wow! That's completely appalling.
What a hack.
Jesus, that's pretty unbelievable.
Other "suggestions":
"I think we'll go with a C-section."
"Don't push."
"He's being difficult about the episiotomy."
"Okay, who's done this before?"
Maybe half a minute to come up with those. What a chump.
Dude, you totally plagiarized the Bad Cartoonist!
Just kidding. This is hilarious. What the hell? How hard is it to come up with a decent political cartoon? is hard, but it's also FUN!!!!!!
I'd go with 'I hate Arnold Schwarzenegger'. Not so much for the reference to the forgettable comedy 'Junior', just that I hate Arnold Schwarzenegger
The other thing that bothers me about this cartoon(s) is that it actually has no bearing on the actual situation that it "comments" on. The man in Eugene who is bearing a child is an M-to-F transsexual who opted to keep his reproductive organs because his partner may be unable to bear children. That turned out to be the case, so lucky them, they get to have a child!
And this is a bad thing, because ...?
"Uh, cuz it freaks me out and I'm a douchebag! If I say anything nice about it, Daddy will hit me again!"
You're right. Even it the lame reality of the cartoon it makes no sense because Beatie has a I don't anticipate too many problems during delivery.
Look at the pretty colors! All I need are some 3-D glasses to make that drawing realy POP off the monitor.
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