Nov 19, 2008

Love It Or Leave It

Could there be a more selfish group than America's rich conservatives?

They live better than 99% of human beings on Earth. They live better than almost all human beings who have ever lived. They live in the richest country to ever exist in the history of the world. And yet they complain endlessly about paying taxes--in a place where their selfish ass is allowed to thrive.

They've been coddled for decades. We've cut their taxes in times of peace and war. We've slashed regulations. We've weakened labor. We've given them lobbying laws that legalized bribery. We've bailed out their failed industries.

They still don't think they have enough.

This is a country that migrants risk their lives to enter just for the privilege of toiling in the blazing sun to pick our fruit for sub-standard wages and men who make tens of millions of dollars a year sitting behind a desk have the nerve to complain about paying their fair share of taxes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even sadder are the hordes of working class Americans who oppose taxing the wealthy.

9:03 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I keep seeing the bumper sticker "Freedom isn't Free"- which supports the troops. Perhaps they need to re-issue it with a couple of dollar signs and a subtitle- "Pay your fair share!"

11:27 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I love the middle/lower class idiots at McCain's rallies who would boo their throats dry at the prospect of the rich having to pay more taxes so their poor asses could get better healthcare and their sons and daughters serving in the military could have a chance to live until the age of 25 ... BOOOOOOOOOOOO!!
This factors greatly into the Jonestown post you just made. Mindlessly following party lines is terrible for democracy.

3:42 PM  
Blogger Matt Bors said...

I'll never understand the poor white working class supporting policies that benefit the super rich.

10:48 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

It's why Republicans aren't very pro-education- if people thought about it they'd get 1% of the vote every election.

5:39 PM  
Blogger Jimmy said...

I grew up in a blue-collar UAW, AFL-CIO family yet Mom and Dad always vote GOP. We still argue about this when I ask why they go into the booth and vote against the own interests.

7:30 PM  
Blogger Jerid E. Krulish said...

It's because giving over 30% of your income to the government seems ridiculous. Even for the rich.

What point are you trying to make? That conservatives are against peace and safety? Since that's hardly a point in any conservative platform, there's hardly a point to your cartoon.

Freedom doesn't thrive where there is no safety. Ironically, what does an Afgan warlords do? Take your money. Somali Pirates take your stuff. This is exactly what liberals want to do - take your money and your stuff. Conservatives want to leave you alone, and get government out of your life.

7:45 PM  

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