Nov 16, 2008

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Can we/you organize something to mail this comic to the Obama white house, and to everyone everywhere? You once again prove yourself to be a complete genius who needs to be in every paper.
I have a comic idea for you, or at least an observation I've made. After Obama won this huge election on change and no more of the same, why is everyone trying to get Hillary into a cabinet post? Or other establishment centrist Democrats? It's almost as if people never really cared about change, or at least the loudest political elements are the entrenched powers and their blind followers.
I really like this comic and the message it has.
I was at a reggae benefit concert for Mountain Top Removal last weekend when I heard the band do a Bob Marley cover, "...Don't worry / about a thing / with Obama and Biden / it's gonna be all right..." (I made a video about the event; song is at the end:
Although yes I'm glad Obama beat out McCain, I didn't agree with the song. We can't start thinking the world is going to turn into Unicorns pooping rainbows just because Obama was elected. If anything, it means we'll have someone in office who will actually listen to people, but that means the American people must keep speaking up and loudly.
Matt S- Thanks! And mail away!
His appointment of centrists aren't surprising to me at all. In fact, they're very predictable. People who think this is a "transformational" moment haven't been listening to what Obama's been saying. It's important and maybe we'll get back to the relative sanity of the Clinton years, but things will still be run the same.
As a canadian I am completely ignorant to the process but I do have one question in particular I would like to pose. In a nation which 'claims' to separate church and state, how can state legislate the right of a church to marry anyone regardless of their sexual orientation? There are plenty of denominations and religious leaders fighting for gay-rights and who are willing to marry them on the spot. What gives the state the right to say "No"? There may a simple explanation but I just don't see it.
The legal recognition and benefits of marriage come directly from the state so a religious ceremony isn't what grants them. If gay marriage were legally recognized, churches wouldn't be forced to marry them (as they didn't before Prop 8 passed). Gay couples would simply go to the courthouse or a gay-friendly church and get married and have the same rights as straights.
The government can say no to churches that marry gays because it is now against the law to marry them. Religious freedom doesn't trump the law...just take an extreme example like ritual sacrifice. Any church that wants to do that is SOL.
We just need to decide as a society that gay marriage is not harmful and that churches should be allowed to do it.
The government supports marriage (real marriage) because the institution of marriage produces children, which are necessary for the future economy and stability of a nation. A 2 parent home is shown to be, in study after study, the best way to raise healthy, hard-working, educated kids. So the government rightly encourages the establishment of 2 parent homes.
I'll support gay "marriage" the day that 2 dudes having anal sex produce a child and raise her to be healthy, hard-working and educated.
Until then, someone will have to explain from where human rights, like (supposedly) gay marriage, derive, and why I should support an institution that does not benefit society.
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