Feb 10, 2009


Just a quick comment about today's strip. I find it humorous that you included a crossed out "colored" in the RNC chairman block, when nobody in this country can figure out that until we all get on the same page with race issues, nothing is going to change. In fact, isn't it ironic that we now have Black America and White America and it's racist for a white man to refer to a black man as "colored" when the largest group for "black rights" is the National Association for the Advancement of COLORED People?
Do you really want them to change their name to The National Association for the Advancement of African-American People? That's way too many A's.


Blogger DavidL said...

"Please understand, I'm a huge supporter of the NAACP. If you don't know what that stands for, it's the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. And quite frankly, I always thought they should change the 'colored people' to 'African-Americans' but then of course it wouldn't be the NAACP. It'd be the N-quad-A, or NAAAA. And I know this probably sounds like a digression but actually brings me back to my original point... Do I think you're black? Naaaaaah!"

Sorry, I refuse to pass up any opportunity for a Scrubs quote.

11:36 AM  

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