Cartoon Battle
A poll over at the Comics Riff blog caught my eye. It features a number of caricatures of foreign leaders and asks "which cartoonist drew your favorite?" Amazingly, the current winner is a cartoon by John Sherffius featuring Ayatollah Khomeini. He's been dead for twenty years, but I suppose his ghost ordered the Iranian government to imprison that poor journalist in his beard.
I'd hate to be jailed in a beard.

Good caricature, huh? Sherffius can draw with the best of them but when he uses Photoshop he really nails the likeness for some reason.
I wanted to see how fast I could replicate this master so I hit up Google image search and grabbed the first result. Then I opened it in Photoshop and applied the Threshold adjustment. Putting the levels at 128 seemed right. Next, I made his eyes appear like they were looking forward and extended his villainous black cloak a bit.
I added Elvis in the weird jail beard because those crazy Iranians hate that hip-shaking troublemaker and all the swooning the ladies do over him.
5 exhausting minutes later I was all done.

Which one of these cartoons is a better caricature? Whose use of Threshold captured the face better? Please vote in my comments section.
I'd hate to be jailed in a beard.

Good caricature, huh? Sherffius can draw with the best of them but when he uses Photoshop he really nails the likeness for some reason.
I wanted to see how fast I could replicate this master so I hit up Google image search and grabbed the first result. Then I opened it in Photoshop and applied the Threshold adjustment. Putting the levels at 128 seemed right. Next, I made his eyes appear like they were looking forward and extended his villainous black cloak a bit.
I added Elvis in the weird jail beard because those crazy Iranians hate that hip-shaking troublemaker and all the swooning the ladies do over him.
5 exhausting minutes later I was all done.

Which one of these cartoons is a better caricature? Whose use of Threshold captured the face better? Please vote in my comments section.
God, you're brutal. You should go into political cartooning. ;-)
Plus, the Elvis still is from Jailhouse Rock. So many layers!
For Americans, when it comes to Iran it is always 1979.
This could be the start of a meme.
Should have used Fat Elvis.
just a touch darker on the contrast and I think it would be indistinguishable.
Somebody's just begging for a fatwa...
Have you ever written to the papers discussing the crappiness of their cartoonists? Maybe you could get a bunch of us to do it, PZ Myers style?
I like yours better.
Elvis lives (in the comics).
both are so powerful
ha...I just went to that poll you speak of and Sherffius is winning...i hope the yae votes were meant to be ironic....if not....
Matt S--I'd encourage anyone to write their daily or altweekly papers to tell them which cartoonists they'd like to see in print.
You could have put the Hamburglar behind the bars. It might have taken a few extra seconds to download an image but it would have been worth it. Now that would have been exhausting.
You could have put the Hamburglar behind the bars. It might have taken a few extra seconds to download an image but it would have been worth it. Now that would have been exhausting.
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