Apr 27, 2009

Go Dystopian!

During the Bush years it was a daily struggle deciding if policies were more "Orwellian" or "Kafka-esque." Heated debates would divide the literate. Now conservatives need their own author of nightmares to characterize the Obama years and I'd like to suggest the term "Burgessian." I finished reading "The Wanting Seed" by Anthony Burgess this weekend and it's bound to frighten conservatives. Sales for this novel could soon be skyrocketing along with "Atlas Shrugged."

Imagine reading a book that describes a wildly overpopulated planet where government bureaucrats run everything and enact the following:
  • One child policy enforced by federal agency with thuggish officers
  • Strict food rationing
  • Encouraging of homosexual relationships ("It's Sapien to be homo")
  • Affirmative action and other preferential treatment for those who choose homo lifestyle.
  • Family is not the center of society (it's discouraged and considered criminally selfish)
  • War has been abolished
  • Religion has been abolished
  • Other stuff I'm forgetting
If you just thought to yourself "OMG! THAT'S ALL COMING TRUE!" then this book is for you!

Seriously guys, time to dump Ayn Rand and get a dystopian novel to rally around. You can't really be an opposition unless you have slogans from a poli-sci-fi book to put on your protest placards. That way you can walk around for eight years marveling at how "this is just like The Wanting Seed!"

You'll also want to not pay attention to the last 2/3 of the book to see what happens when this crazy government collapses. (Imagine Afghanistan run by Catholics where restaurants serve human flesh.)


Blogger Unknown said...


Selling Planet Earth in Exchange for a Utopia? What’s the Catch?

Humans sold planet Earth for peace, but little did they know peace would come at such a high cost.

A long time ago, Humanity sold planet Earth to a group called the Evers in order to gain peace and a virtual utopia for themselves and for future generations. However, the cost of this paradise turns out to be too much for some to deal with and the humans soon find themselves ruled cruelly by the very beings who offered them salvation and at one point given them so much hope.

Humans that were originally treated with high regards, made to feels special, are now being treated as animals, some humiliated and shipped away to some unknown fate…each being told what they could or could not do, under the guise of it being in humanities best interest.

With a feeling of dread, a small group declares war on the more advanced Evers in hopes of returning things to the way they should be…to the way they had been. John and his make-shift crew of humans and hybrids (half human/half Ever) must not only find a way to break free of the mistakes of the past and find out the disturbing secrets that the Evers have hidden away, but they must also deal with their own personal issues and learn to live, grow, and deal with each others’ emotional issues of love, regret and fear.

Will man give up youth and perfect health to live in the past? And will John take the chance of restoring Earth to its former state even though there’s a good chance his life-threatening disease can return?

Publisher’s Web site: www.eloquentbooks.com/Everlasting.html

About the Author:
Myra Evans resides in Walterboro, South Carolina, a small town near Charleston. She is a C.N.A. for a large Veterans nursing home

6:03 AM  
Blogger Kevin Moore said...

Burgess is one brilliantly strange bird. Next time we meet to plot America's destruction through snarky cartoons, please bring your copy so I can borrow it.

11:25 AM  

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