Apr 9, 2009

Rainbow Coalition? For Reals?!

I'm having trouble believing this new anti-gay rights ad is real, but it appears to be. Maybe I'm riding high on the success of gay marriage in Vermont and the corn state, but this ad doesn't seem like it will be effective in frightening enough people. Gathering storm? We're in a global depression and people are going on mass murder sprees every week!


Blogger Mark said...

Take a look at their web site and see if you can tell me what the heck these people are so afraid of. They're clearly in complete earnest, and they've given their issue a whole lot of thought, but they've totally failed to support their position and they don't seem to realize that. It seems to boil down to their right to hate and oppress people who commit the sin of disagreeing with them. It's puzzling as hell.

The takeaway quote for me was the title of their press release, "Iowa Supreme Court Imposes Same Sex Marriage." Apparently allowing people to marry whomever they want is an imposition on people who can already marry whomever they want. Or something.

10:50 AM  
Blogger Matt Bors said...

I believe so. It's verified every few months when another right-winger is discovered having man-sex.

12:01 PM  

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