CWA LOLcat Schism

CWA members Jen Sorensen and August Pollak are embroiled in a conflict over (so-called) cat humor. Jen launched an opening salvo with this comic decrying the LOL Cats and other such abortions of humor. August then typed an impassioned post titled "In defense of LOLcats", a string of words I was hoping to get through life without reading. Despite his flattery of me in said post, I was not persuaded in the least.
Now Jen has responded to August point by point. Turns out she's nothing but a cat humor apologist in disguise--proclaiming her love of Roomba Cat. This isn't a war, folks. Jen and August are allies in an axis of feline evil debating over the proper strategy.
I thought cat humor was like torture: clearly bad, something only war criminals make excuses for. Truth is, many otherwise rational people succumb to the alleged cuteness of this insidious internet meme. Pictures of cats in sinks? I curse your bloodline for thirteen generations!
I know Jen and August are not alone in their cat love. Many of you are no doubt removing my site from your bookmarks at this very moment. But being a political cartoonist means taking tough stands on the important issues of the day so I'm here to proclaim: I hate cat humor in all its forms.
Oh, come now! Finding the Roomba cat amusing is hardly tantamount to "cat love." I think I've drawn a pretty clear line in the kitty litter.
I have always liked that cat butt illo.
You and August are drawing lines in kitty litter, I'm standing outside wondering why there are so many dried turds in it.
My cat illo may succeed because it is not based in cuteness--something most cat humor is. It truly is "post-ironic cutism" as described in one of your comics.
Like FAIL pictures, (where you take a picture that's funny on its own and add the word "FAIL" to it in a 'Let's restate the fucking obvious' contest), I've never really understood the whole LOL cat thing, but I'm ambivalent to it. My boss hates them, which is why our graphics artist adds them to the end of all his e-mail signatures.
Although not a fan of the LOL cats, I somehow can't stop reading the Hobotopia comics. Not only are they drawn in that awesome old-timey cartoon style, but cat hobos are so damn cute. I just makes me want to smoke a stogy.
Why must it be either or? Personally, I believe the world is far too bleak and hopeless for one to not enjoy a lolcat, or something similarly cute/dumb from time to time. It puts you back in touch with the innocence of ignorant happiness we all remember from childhood, if only for a moment.
That's what fart jokes are for.
Also Jen is on Twitter so SHE'S HARDLY ONE TO TALK.
You hate cat humor in all it's forms? Then you, sir, are dead to me. LOL!
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