May 18, 2009

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Oh he's kept promises, like sending more troops to Afghanistan and bailing out lots of big companies.
He just hasn't kept any of the less socially acceptable promises. Illegal military tribunals which violate the due process of law, releasing torture photos (I can't imagine anything worse than what's been released. These have to be really bad), etc.
Yea apparently none of that stuff matters...
I tried to warn my lib friends and acquaintances, but to no avail. Now most are still so invested in him and in such deep denial that the excuses they making for his behavior are positively Bushian.
Sorry, I have to call bullshit. This is the same logic that dems in Ohio and Florida used when they voted for Nader in 2000...the two parties are so similar it really doesn't matter which one wins. Obama can't fix things Bush took 8 years to screw up by fiat and there are political realities he has to navigate. I'll cut him some slack at least for a couple of years. I'm not sure what he would really do if he could do anything he wanted, but I do know that he has to keep a coalition together. Hopefully he can do that without selling his soul.
Anyway, at times like this it's good to imagine what a McCain/Palin administration would be doing right now.
Surely he could deliver on his promise to scrap "Don't Ask Don't Tell." He did campaign on it, after all. When gays are being booted out of the military while he downplays torture, he needs called on it.
I'll admit that I'm surprised at how much progress we're making on gay marriage. I wouldn't have thought the country was as ready to come as far as it has given that it was being used as a wedge issue so recently. But I'll still trust Obama's political instinct at about how fast he can move on various issues and which battles to pick. After all, he can't just come out and say that a big part of the murky middle is made up of people who cling irrationally to their guns and religion and they should just get over it without losing some support he'll need later.
Guess I'm just saying I'll be patient for a while longer and give him the benefit of the doubt. I will say that I've never expected him to be anything but a centerist and pragmatist. I would love to live in a more progressive country than I do, but I keep my expectations low and so am surprised when we (as a country) get anything right.
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