Portland Love
This ran in The Oregonian on Sunday and should be pretty self-explanatory to those of you who don't live here.

Oregon's unemployment rate is rivaled only by Michigan, yet remains a desirable place to move for many youngsters. The Oregonian's Anna Griffin wrote a column on the NY Time's strange love affair with our city. And George Will's column "Demon Denim" is worth a read, if only to marvel at his level of pampered snobbery. It's no surprise that he also hates Portland.
I have not worn jeans in years. I don't like them. However, I will now buy a pair.
On a related note, I find that grown men who wear bowties are anal-retentive weirdos stuck in a past that never existed. Or clowns.
I've heard that Portland is a lot like Asheville NC, where I have lived for the past 5 years. Both cities are filled with poor unemployed college grads and have zero job openings, even for waitresses and the like. Yet people still keep coming here like it is some sort of mecca. Strange stuff.
I'd say that's about right, cmfry. Although I sympathize with people trying to escape their lame small towns.
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