Post Beer Summit Analysis

The joint White House/Media production known as the "Beer Summit" has come and gone. It didn't signal the beginning of post-racial America, but Wolf Blitzer did get to announce the "news" that men were drinking beer at a table! Of course, the entire event was created so people like Wolf Blitzer could breathlessly announce its existence and air a 30-second video of men drinking beer at a table, but I think that part went over his head.
One problem I do have is the president setting back this country's sad history of beer relations with his choice of Bud Light. I thought he was bringing change to the White House and instead he ops to suck down corporate pee pee water with a po po. (Perhaps it's a good metaphor for the Democratic Party.) America produces the best beer on earth--hands down--but we always get a bad rap because of Bud, Michelob, Coors, et al. Progressive beer enthusiasts (and conservatives who discriminate only with their palette) should stand up to this president and DEMAND he drink a tasty micro brew that is from a (hint hint) small business trying to (ahem) create jobs.
They usually cost more than swill so the Blue Dog Coalition may oppose it.
Maybe someday Obama could invite some liberal economists over for beer. I hear they have been right about some things lately.
It puzzles me that a Chicagoan like Obama would drink a Bud Light - Chicagoans drink Old Style! Well, richer ones drink Goose Island, but you get the picture. As a St. Louisan, I'm happy he's drinking beer we make, but he could at least try an O'Fallon beer if he's sticking to the Lou.
I disagree, they should be drinking Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Ale. Like, it's a beer, but it tastes a lot like bourbon. Both classy and average joe at the same time.
Also, gets ya drunk quicker (hah!)
Dunno. Given the way the cretinati collectively beshat themselves over dijongate, perhaps the choice of shoddy beer was a wise one.
Choosing Bud Light, Obama might as well have drunk his own pee.
Not to be pedantic, but we don't have the best beer. It's very good, but the Belgians are still #1. The stuff we don't get here is magic.
It was awkward when they all went to the White House urinals simultaneously.
Aaron, I'm a beer nativist.
Masheka, There were only three stalls so Crowley hung back until one them finished. Guys never like standing next to each other when they pee.
Say what you like, that was a political masterstroke. Turned a nasty negative, so beloved of Fox etc etc, into a positive. For the Prez himself after he had the temerity to question the cleverness of the police response, and also for the public discourse which was being sucked into another episode of us vs them.
Of course, when the history books are written it won't substitute for a record of substantive legislative achievement, but in isolation I love it.
Thanks Aaron, we Belgians are the number 1 beer-brewers and we always will be :-)
Although the president technically did drink a Belgian (-owned) beer when he sipped that Bud Light, which makes me somewhat sad because I don't approve of the Inbev expansion strategy.
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