Excessive Labeling Award
Yes, it's that time again. Let's have a look at today's winner...
A fox labeled "fox" and a name badge on Obama. Way to blow away the competition with your admirable devotion to unnecessary labels! You win a personal labeler. Make a name badge for everyone in your family so you don't forget who they are!

Update: Cartoonist Ward Sutton's comment on my Facebook page is too funny not to post here:
Stroot Hastings Tribune Oct 23, 2009 |
A fox labeled "fox" and a name badge on Obama. Way to blow away the competition with your admirable devotion to unnecessary labels! You win a personal labeler. Make a name badge for everyone in your family so you don't forget who they are!

Update: Cartoonist Ward Sutton's comment on my Facebook page is too funny not to post here:
How can we be sure it's Obama? The lazy cartoonist only gave him a "B.O." button. Maybe this is a cartoon about Body Odor and it's effects on Foxes? I also wish the cartoonist would have been more specific about the fox. It may be Fox News ... or it may be Foxes, like Foxy Ladies. Is this a cartoon about Body Odor actually rating highly with Foxy Ladies? The only solution for us readers to fully understand the cartoonist's intent would be bigger, more detailed labels.
and yet... he failed to label the feathers falling off the chicken. Are these dissatisfied FOX viewers? We need more labels!
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