Consider me vexed
The New York Times has a piece assessing how well Obama has delivered on his campaign promises. Under "Terrorism Suspects" they note he has yet to close Guantánamo and gripe:
Most vexing: the unwillingness of other countries to accept large numbers of detainees and the administration’s inability to find locations in the United States to transfer prisoners for release or prosecution in the face of protests by lawmakers in both political parties.Yes, truly the most vexing thing about our abduction and torture camp is the fact that other nations refuse to step up and take responsibility for it!
We are the policeman, they are the prisons
No really, he did inherit two crap wars made of bad policy. I think that in his zeal he made that promise about Gitmo, and honestly, do you think that ALL of those guys should be treated like reg'lar prisoners?
It is hard to say ... kind of like asking someone who has just watched his family butchered if they are against the death penalty when they apprehend the murderer.
The thing for me about Democrats in general is they have ideas without having any idea on how to get things done.
You should know better. Take it from me, Bobamatron (that's what I like to be called). You should know that Obama HAS delivered on the change he's promised. Stop being a whiny liberal and get on board. You need to start being a parrot like me, and praise Obama unreservedly.
Who cares if:
- Habeus Corpus not restored.
- Guantanamo/Gitmo fully operational.
- Bush/Cheney torture policy continued.
- Bush/Cheney indefinite detention policy continued.
- More US dead in Afghanistan than in any month under Bush.
- No clear strategy for ending the wars in Afghanistan or Iraq.
- Massive Wall Street handouts with zero accountability.
- No effort to re-instate Glass-Steagal.
- White House highly staffed with Wall Street insiders that caused meltdown.
- Campaign promise to end "don't ask don't tell" ignored.
- Public option that won't ever be available to 90% of Americans.
You MUST support Obama without question!! Like me!! Bobamatron!!!
Big Mark--We don't let that family of the murder victim decide punishment and we shouldn't be doing that collectively as a nation with regards to terror suspects (emphasis on the last word). The same legal process of guilt, innocence, evidence and trial should applied.
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