Dec 18, 2009

You don't need a weatherman...

Pundit extraordinaire Bill Kristol with the most well-reasoned argument to date for stopping health care reform.
There's a really big snowstorm coming to D.C.tonight. It would be unsafe to ask all the staffers and Hill employees who'd be needed at the Capitol if Congress stays open all hours this weekend, as Harry Reid intends, to drive to and from work--especially since many will have to do so at night, and they won't be well-rested. So from the point of view of public safety and personal well-being, Ben Nelson can do everyone a favor, announce today he won't vote for cloture, and let everyone stay home this weekend.
On the bright side, Bill Kristol has acknowledged the existence of public safety.

Adding: Speaking "from the point of view of public safety and personal well-being" could we pass some fucking health care reform that doesn't have the life sucked out of it by Joe Lieberman's jowls?


Blogger Aaron Manton said...

When this health 'reform' bill fails, will a cartoonist shoehorn a reference to Snooki from 'Jersey Shore' getting punched, or is that too hip?

3:26 PM  
Blogger Judas Peckerwood said...

Sure, Kristol may be a soulless warmonger and a conscienceless ghoul who's willing to consign tens of thousands Americans to unnecessary death each year due to a lack of health care. But his dedication to protecting Hill staffers from sleep deprivation and fender benders shows that he is a true humanitarian.

4:53 PM  

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