At least he got a reaction
Al Qaeda is coming out strong lately with all sorts of awesomely failed attacks. Underwear bombs and now the attempted murder of cartoonist Kurt Westergaard, creator of the controversial bomb-in-turban Muhammad cartoon.

Surely the best way to combat Westergaard's belief that Islam leads to violent radicalism is by trying to chop him apart with an axe for drawing a picture that says so. The continued threats against the Danish cartoonist will only serve as proof to editors across the globe that it's best not to offend folks and stick to the innocent gags that everyone from grandma to Bin Laden can appreciate.
Also: cartoonist with a panic room in his house? Wow. If it protects you from looming deadlines, I'm getting one.
The cartoonist, 74, pushed a panic button, fled to a safe room and was unhurt when police arrived. His grand-daughter was in the house during the attack. Police could not confirm reports he had tried to break down the safe room door with the axe.

Surely the best way to combat Westergaard's belief that Islam leads to violent radicalism is by trying to chop him apart with an axe for drawing a picture that says so. The continued threats against the Danish cartoonist will only serve as proof to editors across the globe that it's best not to offend folks and stick to the innocent gags that everyone from grandma to Bin Laden can appreciate.
Also: cartoonist with a panic room in his house? Wow. If it protects you from looming deadlines, I'm getting one.
i could just see him chopping thru the door and saying, 'heeeeere's johny!'
This is so FAIL. Even at the height of my belief in Islam (I'm atheist now. Thank god!), I found the notion of attacking someone for making comments contrary to my beliefs as beyond crazy! I guess when you're more prone to violence when you're insecure about your backward superstitious beliefs.
His granddaughter had a broken leg (she was four years old); I don't know why, but I guess it was caused either directly or indirectly by the extremist.
The guy who printed them in Norway (the editor of a conservative magazine called "Magazinet") has also received threats...
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