Jan 11, 2010

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Matt, the white people who presently support racial and religious profiling already claim to be victims of anti- white/Christian/politically correct discrimination. Hit Stormfront.org sometime. If by 2050, your proposed Europeans as a minority in the US comes to pass, nothing at all will change for 'white patriots.'
I'm afraid your logic will be lost on these nutbags. Your toon represents the neo-nazis' current 'reality.'
As a white, Christian, Hetero Male, I would not have a problem being profiled if my ethnic and/or religious group were responsible for almost 100% of the crimes for which we were being profiled for.
As weezgoog said in the prior post, many white Christians do feel like polictical minorities. Perfect evidence for this is found right within this strip. While the writer uses the term "cracker" for comic (I guess?) purposes here with no backlash, can you imagine the storm that even a third rate comic writer like Mr. Bors would receive if he were to use an offensive epithet for a black, arab or homosexual person?? The outrage would be immediate and enormous.
I suppose that this sort of drivel is good business when you are writing for similar left-leaning Kool-Aide drinkers, but no other person will be changed or even provoked to contemplate this for one second. You can't even change a mind, let alone the world with this garbage.
Even still, I am certainly not offended by the strip. I read it the same as I do every week with Mr. Bors' Strip. With a smile and a chuckle-the artwork is very good, and I love to laugh at the new levels of open-mindedness/complete ignorance that Mr. Bors' attempts to achieve. Obviously this open-mindedness (as with most leftists) applies only to "disenfranchised" minorities. His open mind has apparantly opened so far that his brain has fallen out.
Of course, if my statement were said on any sort of real platform, I would be decried as the racist. Go figure...
As a whitey, I'm not offended by the use of cracker at all. Then again, the only time I've been called "cracker" is when someone is kidding. Either way being called a food isn't that offensive.
Exactly, Reno. Had "Cracker" been used to historically denigrate whites as they were enslaved, raped, beaten and murdered, perhaps it would be offensive. I'm also using it humorously.
Craig, like many conservatives, can't see the difference. It's mind-boggling, but I thank him for reading anyway.
Ah the nuance of context. It's enough to drive someone sane.
You're late. Orlando is already scared. In fact, back in May of last year they believe the tables turned already.
White's are officially a minority as long as your paranoid, racist version of math means that there's white people, then there's everyone else.
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