President Noodle Cup
I'm having fun with the corporate personhood topic. While this comic may appear to take the idea to the most absurd heights, I fully expect to live under the thumb of a cute corporate mascot by life's end.
The inspiration for Mr. Noodle Cup comes from a real-life event: The "Kraft Cheddar Explosion" of the Texas Stadium, former home of the Dallas Cowboys and future home of exploding cheddar cheese awesomeness. Apparently we've reached the point in America's decline where an abandoned structure can't be taken down without a junk food sponsor.
I'm not sure why they are demolishing the Texas Stadium, but I think it is for being the last stadium in the 21st century not named after a corporation. Kraft Cheddar Explode that bitch!
Wednesday: The Squirrel Agenda
I'm surprised corporation aren't allowed to adopt children yet. They should go down to Haiti and do some missionary work and save some children from their parents. Because they're a corporation, they won't end up in jail or have to be responsible for any crimes (which really surprised me about the Baptist group. I mean honestly, churches are essentially non-profit corporations right?)
All I'm saying is, I want my Trueman Show. I'm getting bored with this fake reality TV shit.
Actually, this is a reasonable conclusion.
I was watching a baseball game a few years ago, and when the 7th-inning stretch happened the announcer said "Now enjoy the 7th-inning stretch, brought to you by Honda." Really? When I was a kid the 7th-inning stretch just arrived on its own. Also, at one point they said, "And now we bring you "Bud Light's Mid-Game Thoughts", with Tim McCarver". What, is Tim McCarver too fucking stupid to just share his thoughts with us as he sees fit? I thought that's what announcers do. Apparently not. Their thoughts are now sponsored.
You think I'm kidding, but this sort of stuff just sickens me.
There's no event in American life that has escaped commercialization. They want in our dreams.
We still have The Palace of Auburn Hills here for our Detroit Pistons. It was named by a kid in some contest, but I know that it will only be a matter of time before it too is sponsored by some corporation... Hmmm... Well, we have Comerica Park, but they moved their HQ to Texas... Ford Field, not that anyone really wants to be associated with an Automotive Corp, but its one of the least of the worst here. I suppose the Ilitch family could buy it and rename it the Little Ceasars Palace, but they are going to be busy owning the entire state after the next gubernatorial election...(possibly) :)
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