Social Networking
It's easy to forget that sites like Facebook don't exist simply for the sublime pleasure of reuniting you with high school classmates you vaguely remember, but actually seek to make a ton of money collecting personal data to sell targeted advertising and map consumer habits. If a corporation, government agency or religious institution presented us with that plan on paper, we'd be repulsed... so someone made it fun!
Won't you be my Facebook friend?
The FBI could not do a better job of linking "enemies of the State" if it tried.
Yep. Orwell had it backwards. We won't find hidden cameras behind picture frames to spy on us in our homes. We've brought the cameras into our homes ourselves. Willingly.
You know, I don't actually have a problem with this really. Maybe it's just the economist in me, but the idea of collecting large scale data on demographics or trends isn't intrinsically wrong. Granted, Facebook somewhat absues this, "owning" anything you put up there and probably divulging your personal details, but at heart it's not evil. In regards to national security stuff, I guess terrorists just to have wiegh the cons of being known to the FBI to the pros of the awesome networking capabilities of fellow jihadists.
P.S. I added you.
I've been dumb enough to use my real name for years. If Jihadists want to know the mundane details of my life, let 'em. Maybe they have ideas.
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