Trains Are Bad.
So...Obama is spending money on trains that carry people from place to place instead of a space program to achieve a symbolic victory over the Soviet Union? I support that.
Rob Smith, Jr. The Glenn Beck Program Feb 5, 2010 |
So we should build spaceships as mass transit? This isn't the fucking Jetsons.
I doubt the cartoonist even cares one way or the other about moon missions or trains. It's just automatic Obama-bashing, whatever Obama's actual proposal or position: if Obama DID support a moon mission, I'm pretty sure that the cartoonist "Rob Smith, Jr., The Glenn Beck Program" would make a cartoon slamming Obama for wasteful spending.
As with most GOP hatemongers, this clown doesn't care about facts. The fact is: NASA said the plans they made to get back to the moon were flawed from the start, and it would cost much more money and take more time to return than by 2020. Instead, Obama put money into NASA programs to create more advanced engines since NASA itself has said the current state of technology in that area is circa 1960. The R&D that goes into the new engine and propulsion systems will be vastly more useful in the long term than a quick return to the moon. On top of that, it will cost less which frees up money for trains - which as noted, are immediately useful.
No matter to the Obama-hating "cartoonist". I've said it before: Facts are the enemy of Republicans.
Thinking long term?
Say, didn't the last prezzydent have some kinda Gwine to Marz Misshun that everybody pretty much laughed at cuz it was so half-assed to begin with?
This is one of the cases in which I disagree with you a little, Matt. A space program is about more than beating another superpower; the advances in technology and education that the Apollo missions brought with them is probably responsible for a lot of what has made our lives better today. According to a conversation I heard on "The Skeptic's Guide to the Universe" (the podcast), some of its long time effects were/are finally bringing evolution back into classrooms and also giving us the world wide web (which improves communication between cultures and will help prevent wars in the future, if we use it wisely). Going to Mars might lead to similar improvements.
... but let's have railways too.
I'm a fan of space exploration, but trains are a little more useful to our everyday lives. It's a weird argument the cartoonist is making.
That's true.
Do you know, I often enjoy your sarcastic comments on other people's cartoons as much as I enjoy reading your own. The only sin is that sometimes my brain is fooled into thinking the cartoon itself was funny.
I think you are all missing the REAL point: the trains are going to be greased with the blood of the unborn!
How many times does it need to be pointed out?
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