New Illustrations
This first one is the current cover of the Portland Phoenix (in Maine) and is another parody of American Gothic (here's my first). The cover story is about Maine's two female pro-choice Republican Senators, Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins, who recently voted to confirm Alito. Did they betray women?

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This is the front of my new promotional card for illustration that I've been sending out to Art Directors. The original(on the bottom) is a photo illustration and was a proposed design for a T-shirt for, a project of The Center For American Progress, which is trying to raise awareness about Sudan. I really liked the image and didn't want it to go to waste so I drew it in my illustration style. The back reads "Let's go away together!" and has my contact info. If you want one, e-mail me your address.

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I don't trust Republican pro-choicers to really stick up for women's reproductive rights, and this demonstrates exactly why.
No, they didn't. I should have made that clear. But a few people have siad they would buy one, so I might make some if I get some extra money.
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