Aug 17, 2006

New Toon: AirPort Security 2015

click to enlarge

So I'm all for being safe and whatnot when I fly, but just how safe do they need to make me? I will accept a certain amount of risk if it means I can bring a magazine and a jar of gourmet baby food on my flight.

I pose it as a joke in the comic, but if a terrorist were to smuggle some C4 in his rear end and blow up a flight, would we then have to submit to anal cavity searches? I think the answer would be yes, seeing as how we have to take off our smelly shoes for the rest of our life because a crazy tried to set his explosive shoe on fire.

A version without the cussing went out earlier in the week if you saw it anywhere on the web.

Next week: Terrorists and Confederate Porn!


Blogger Brubaker said...

Since I just went on an international flight from Japan to Detroit, I'll say that yes, they have gotten strict over the liquid ban.

It wasn't TOO bad, though. I made sure not to bring anything remotly liquid, so it went smooth.

A funny incident happened, BTW. I got beeped at the metal detector, and when the security guy waved that stick around me, it started my socks.

Fortunatly, I didn't get in trouble. I threw out that socks and bought new one, which didn't beep.

8:45 AM  
Blogger Matt Bors said...

Metal Socks Brubaker,

I'm glad your terrorist socks are in the proper hands.

9:07 AM  

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