May 29, 2007

Kingdom Cumming

In my recent comic Abstinence Facts I tried to lampoon Abstinence-Only proponents' belligerently made up statistics characterizing condoms as unsafe by saying, "Russian roulette is safer than pre-marital coitus with contraceptives."

But in Kingdom Coming: The Rise of Christian Nationalism by Michelle Goldberg I learned that's not an exaggeration of their position at all. I was reading the book this last week and on a section dealing with Sex-Ed and Crisis Pregnancy Centers I came across this:
During her talk at Reclaiming America for Christ, Stenzel announced, "There is no way statistically that you can have sex with someone who is not a virgin and not get a disease." Choosing the Best, one of the most widely used abstinence-only curriculum, compares sex with a condom to Russian roulette and says, "there is a greater risk of a condom failure then the bullet being in the chamber."
These people make satire difficult.

This comic was mainly made of jokes that for reasons of taste or space couldn't fit into my next comic for the ACLU, which is on Abstinence Only Education. That should be up by next Monday.


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