May 30, 2007

New Illustration: Kucinich v. Cheney

I illustrated this week's cover story for the Cleveland Free Times on Dennis Kucinich's attempt to impeach Cheney. Not going to happen, but as the sub-head of the article says, "Who's More Crazy? Dennis Kucinich, For Taking On The Most Powerful Men In Washington? Or His Fellow Democrats, For Not Supporting Him?"

Originally I was given only one instruction, "Draw Kucinich punishing Cheney" and was told to "go wild." They run my comics on their letters page so I assumed they knew what they were asking for, granting me free reign on that kind of topic. These type of assignments happen only once in a blue moon; some cover stories have a very specific idea of what they want, some let your artistic juices work a bit, but none really provide the kind of potential that comes with the line "Draw Kucinich punishing Cheney."

I decided to pull out all the stops and go for the gold.

click to enlarge

Making what was a disappointing, but sound editorial decision, they rejected that sketch and asked for something a bit more palatable to the passerby.

click to enlarge


Blogger Matt Bors said...


3:28 PM  

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