The Wildfires Were An Inside Job!

I've been talking about the 9/11 so-called truth movement lately and how they have grown increasingly irritating as time goes on and all their claims have been answered or debunked. (for all my liberal friends reading this who buy into it, please order this issue of skeptic magazine). Hurricane Katrina gave birth to the claim the the levy was blown up so capitalists could build condos in the 9th ward (I guess gentrification wasn't working) so I figured this would spawn some crapola as well. I was right.
About five minutes after news of the wildfires broke, every political ideologue in the country seemed to have their mind made up about what caused it--Global Warming, environmentalists, Mexicans, and Al Qaeda (as suggested by FOX, naturally.)
The next morning, Randi Rhodes, the top Liberal radio host in the country, went on air with an opening monologue accusing Blackwater of orchestrating the fires so they could build their base in the desert. She offered no proof. I guess she really is our answer to Rush Limbaugh. Is proof needed for anything anymore or is it just the person that more forcefully declares themselves to be true that gets to win?
The character in the comic is a thinly veiled Alex Jones, who has turned into somewhat of a shrill, pudgy messiah over the last few years for the conspiracy left and militia movement right alike.
He's put together a new "documentary" called Endgame, which basically connects everything that ever was-- Darwin, Hitler, Science, The Roman Empire, International Bankers, the UN and god knows what else--into an allegedly coherent expose:
About five minutes after news of the wildfires broke, every political ideologue in the country seemed to have their mind made up about what caused it--Global Warming, environmentalists, Mexicans, and Al Qaeda (as suggested by FOX, naturally.)
The next morning, Randi Rhodes, the top Liberal radio host in the country, went on air with an opening monologue accusing Blackwater of orchestrating the fires so they could build their base in the desert. She offered no proof. I guess she really is our answer to Rush Limbaugh. Is proof needed for anything anymore or is it just the person that more forcefully declares themselves to be true that gets to win?
The character in the comic is a thinly veiled Alex Jones, who has turned into somewhat of a shrill, pudgy messiah over the last few years for the conspiracy left and militia movement right alike.
He's put together a new "documentary" called Endgame, which basically connects everything that ever was-- Darwin, Hitler, Science, The Roman Empire, International Bankers, the UN and god knows what else--into an allegedly coherent expose:
For the New World Order, a world government is just the beginning. Once in place they can engage their plan to exterminate 80% of the world's population, while enabling the "elites" to live forever with the aid of advanced technology.Hot Damn! He blew the lid off of a thousand year old conspiracy and wasn't killed. I guess taking out Jones is more risky than killing JFK or demolishing the towers.
I've heard of a book on Wikipedia called Illuminatus! which basically has the same uber-conspiracy theory, except it's a parody/farce.
Now you're forgetting that if you were a part of the New World Order, you wouldn't mind Alex Jones because no one believes him...except other people like him. Most people in the media don't buy into it, so it would be a waste of time and energy. Do you know how much it costs to pay Thought Police's salaries? Not to mention pensions and health care and everything else...waste of money.
Most people wh believe in the 9/11 conspiracy don't buy into his whole worldview, but they'll say "he's on to something."
Most tend to cherypic the stuff they like; 9/11, vaccines, UFOs, etc.
I live in Southern California, and it rained *ash* four years ago, even in the Valley. We can rely on autumn fires as much as we can rely on earthquakes. This fire season is very, very nasty, but everyone knew it would happen at some point. Unfortunately, our state Congress didn't agree.
Mr. Bors, I guess you haven't read ANY history books, EVER?? Are you not aware that the united states government has admittedly staged false terror/war events in our recent history? (see: GULF OF TONKIN AND OPERATION NORTHWOODS)
I assume you also have never checked out Alex Jones's FACTS, you see my friend Alex actually backs his comments up with FACTS, unlike you. I also assume you haven"t heard about the stand down order from NORAD on 9/11 or that it's SCIENTIFICALLY IMPOSSIBLE (see NIST The National Institute for Standards and Technology) for the towers to collapse the way they did and in a 2hr time span (please look it up man). What about the fact that BIN LADEN WAS A KNOWN CIA ASSET at the time and the FACT that we flew the Bin Laden family out of the USA very quickly after the attacks???
In closing, you MUST be pretty MISINFORMED, get some REAL INFORMATION and I'll see you on the field.
The Gulf of Tonkin Incident was a lie and Northwoods was real (in the sense that someone proposed it and was never carried out). I know you got that info from the first two minutes of Loose Change and think you are smart, but it really has no bearing on what did or didn't happen on 9/11.
It is not, in any way, scientifically impossible for the towers to have fell the way they did. Indeed, they did fall that way and the vast majority of demolitions experts, architects, and physicists have not aised any questions.
They fell from the top down which is exactly the OPPOSITE of how controlled demolitions work.
OK, let's go in order of your statements in the 11:14 post:
Yes, the Gulf of Tonkin "Incident" was fabricated BY OUR GOVERNMENT as a Pretext for an Escalation ("Surge") for an Elective War. Sound familiar?
Likewise, Northwoods, which was proposed, not by "somebody", but the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Yes, it was never carried out. JFK refused it...and the war, and the war-profiteering....and it (argueably) looks like he wanted to reverse the war in Vietnam. He gets killed. LBJ waits less than a year to escalate a 11-year war that accomplishes nothing except death and wealth transfer.
The Twins exploded, yes exploded (watch the videos and use your eyes), at a rate of 7 floors a second. A second. Office fires and gravity can't do that. Lower Manhattan was covered in 50 micron dust. Yes, most CDs collapse as WTC 7 did, a classic bottom demolition. Exactly how the Twins were exploded can only be guessed at...but it is obvious those were explosions, not gravity-led "collapses".
Trillions of dollars will be transferred by the time the 9/11 wars are stopped. Does that sound like a good enough (partial) motivation (by someone)?
About the WTC's...
-2 planes, 3 WTC's.
-The fires smoldered till dec 3rd (with molten metal flowing "like lava"). The only way this happens is with an incendiary that carries it's own oxygen supply.
-Buildings fell at free fall speed through the path of most resistance breaking all laws of angular momentum.
-Multiple explosions
-WTC 7 was bottom up
-Controlled Demo can be top down. There are multiple examples of this.
-Pulverization of concrete.
-Where did the huge steel core go?
I could go need to do a little more research. Check out I have never seen any of these position debunked and they hold up to the highest scientific scrutiny.
Google Tim Osman alias Bin Laden. Read about the Gladio project in Europe.
Get info on the 1st attempt on the twins. A airliner is compared to a flying aluminum beer can - the nose cone crashes through multiple walls leaving a nice round hole. Yeah! Do pigs fly too? How dumb can we app profess to be? Dumb like Americans?
The Power Group (the titel of which doesn't really matter) has over-played it's hand thereby confirming it's existance. They also would have pulled it off if not for the internet. They underestimated the influence of the net, this 'new' powerful info media.
(Even our well-trusted dear ol' BBC was in on the act, pre-announcing the drop of bld 7 by approx 40 minutes. Nice.)
9/11 will prove to become the seeding event of a new, reborn democracy, based on truth, rule of law and common respect for all nations. The criminals must go.
It's hard to address this laundry list of claims point by point.
here's one:
"(Even our well-trusted dear ol' BBC was in on the act, pre-announcing the drop of bld 7 by approx 40 minutes. Nice.)"
C'mon. It was misreporting. The cleared the area because it was in danger of collapsing. The firemen pulled their operation out (hence "pull it"
Please think about something: Why the need to get a BBC reporter that makes probably 50k in on this insane plot? won't they report the building falling when it actually does Why the need to tell them. How could thousands of people be in on this?
That mentality just shows that you lack critical thinking. Now the BBC was in on it1
My dear Matt -
You are obviously loaded with 'critical thinking', please keep your nose on the wild fire conspiracies.
Leave 9/11 for those who are dedicated to openly and honestly investigate the official 9/11 b.s.
Our man Larry Silverboy did not say 'pull them', refering to the fire crew, he said 'pull it', meaning the building. But you will (have a need) tosee it differently. OK.
How come the reporter (actually, those who prepare the 'news' scripts for the talking heads @ 50K/year) could predict that 7was coming down when, today, 6 years later, we still do not have an explanation, have 'no idea' of why it fell, at free fall speed, in its footprint? But someone told the BBC it would do so? Lets talk to that guy and ask them? A deal? Lets find and talk to them? We might learn somewthing.
Those experts who inspected the blg 7 on 9/11 during the explosions, dust and mayhem and ask them on what grounds did they know, at least 40 minutes before the implosion, that it was going to'fall'? Then we could obtain an official explanation right?
Realise that you are in a catch 22 situation dear friend - you, and other like you with agenda-driven visions of boxcutter armed arabs first murdering 3000 and destroying some neat real estate, followed by the destruction of our civil liberties and constitution will have to change your tune in near future. As new information is obtained followed by an independant 9/11 investigation, your position will need serious revision.
You say "It's hard to address this laundry list" Yes, I agree. It is hard (impossible actually) to explain how does a aluminum plane nose cone do what you apparently believe it did - smash through two walls and sections of the inner core and 'pop' out the other side? Or the Pentigon with that nice blow-out hole after passing through as number of meter thick, reinforced concrete walls...Yes, believe me, pigs do fly too.
Over & out. I'll drop you a note again when the proper investigation starts.
It's a matter of time now. The sooner the better as this is the only way that our country can begin to address the death, destruction and damage it has caused, financed with our tax dollars, internationally.
Kind regards, Hashnife
"pull it" referred to the rescue operation in building 7. debris was falling n firefighters. Pull it. "it" being the rescue operation. Pull it os not a demolition term.
Funny you would talk about experts. I've actually called some demolition experts myself. All think explosives WERE NOT used.
Also, I do not have any agenda.
I'm calling you out...
It seems you are quick to reply to the circumstantial claims, definitions of phrases, etc...I want you to address the hard core scientific facts and refute those.
Until then, your opinion doesn’t matter and you are simply furthering an agenda of deception…whether purposeful or not, it doesn’t matter - you are part of the problem.
Please name your demolition experts.
Nice one Sweetwood.
The trickle is becoming a flood. Our awakening now a growing movement. I have unshakeble faith in our collective American spirit. After all, we 'are the children of our fathers'. They gave us the Constitution, Bill of Rights. It's our job to protect it from these destructive forces.
We have become part of, and are witnessing the rebirth of a finer, truer Democracy. An evolutionary step that occurs only once every number of lifetimes.
Those 9/11 lives will not have been wasted.
We can do this. We owe it to them. The criminals need to go.
Have a good evening.
I have to some demolition experts that currently work in the field. I'm seeing if I can get a certain one for an interview on my blog. I am also corroborating what that person says with numerous others in the field to see that it reflects the opinion of most, if not all, of that community.
Blogging doesn't pay so I'm in no rush. I'm also in no rush to respond to you calling me out--someone I don't know on the internet.
I will try to get that posted in January.
I meant, "I have talked to..." at the beginning.
A quick glance through my comics will reveal I'm no bush stooge. I simply don't think you are right. My cartoons make fun of things I think are wrong, hypocritical, and or silly. I don't understand why people are so intent to send me e-mails and post things here with such fervor.
I'm glad you care about the subject, but don't pretend the fate of the world hinges on whether or not I believe in the 9/11 conspiracy.
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