11:28am : Boy Is Dead
Kevin Allman points way to one of the more...well, I don't even know what the fuck to call it.
Basically, The Rocky Mountain News sent a reporter to live blog the funeral of a three-year-old that was killed in a car crash. This is a real screen shot.

Well...uh, now there's something you just can't do in the daily print edition. Way to utilize the Internet!
Basically, The Rocky Mountain News sent a reporter to live blog the funeral of a three-year-old that was killed in a car crash. This is a real screen shot.

Well...uh, now there's something you just can't do in the daily print edition. Way to utilize the Internet!
To be fair: the Rocky Mountain News didn't just liveblog it, they also had photos of the family being embraced as they nearly fell over in grief, as well as a sensitive story that began:
"Vito Kudlis knelt in front of his son's open casket and wept.
His moans cut through the hushed chapel, his body visibly shaking in grief.
"No. No," he wailed."
It's those sorts of details, along with the special Twitter account set up for the occasion, that make it News You Can Use.
Wow, there must be nothing newsworthy going on anywhere else in the world or even the US, I guess.
Warren, Obama said something about lipstick and pigs. Obviously that is important.
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