Phoning It In
An irregular feature around these parts.
Anyone else find Huckabee's story about the school desks a little silly?

This Moose Lady cartoon is an ironic T-shirt waiting to happen.
I have 5 comics going out next week. Be sure to check back.
Anyone else find Huckabee's story about the school desks a little silly?

This Moose Lady cartoon is an ironic T-shirt waiting to happen.
I have 5 comics going out next week. Be sure to check back.
I like independent news sources who actually interview people in Iran about the situation. You actually look at videos of their cites and they are very modern, even more so than in places like India (where my family is from).
I think if people actually saw real footage of Iran on the idiot-box, people would realize these people are not so different than them.
The logical progression my conservative friends make towards the case for action against Iran is...painful.
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