Jan 8, 2009

Absurd Promotional Mailer

My girlfriend bought a pack of smokes with a debit card once so we get non-stop Camel shit in the mail. Back when the stimulus checks went out they sent us coupons that looked like a government check and told us to stimulate the economy. The latest came in December and is specifically designed to stop people from quitting as a New Year's resolution. Nice.

I love that design. Love the copy even more. I look at people smoking Camels and I think "style." When are fashion shows going to let the ladies smoke on the catwalk? That would be stylish. And fierce.

Worried about your rep? Who isn't. Gotta keep that shit intact. But did you know Camel can "protect your rep"? It's true--just fill out the "confidentiality agreement." Don't forget to smoke Camels.

Whenever I'm out partying, smoking Camels, and engaging in illegal/immoral behavior I always run into the problem of people not keeping it confidential. (it's always the non-Camel smokers who snitch.) Well, problem solved. Thanks for the contract Camel. You just made lifer out of me.


Blogger Aaron Manton said...

I know when I walk into bars past all the smokers huddled out in the elements, I envy their reps.

9:17 AM  
Blogger Sumit Khanna said...


Simply wow. They actually mail this shit out? I'm glad I never started smoking [tobacco].

Occasionally friends may ask me to pick up a pack of smokes. I now know I should never use a card when doing so. Thanks for the tip.

But seriously? Seriously... You know they wouldn't send that shit out unless it was shown to work. Is humanity really that susceptible to adverts?

10:13 AM  
Blogger Judas Peckerwood said...

The tobacco industry is utterly evil. How does an industry that intentionally sickens and kills its customers escape prosecution?

4:34 PM  
Blogger Matt Bors said...

I've wondered that myself.

6:19 PM  
Blogger moquiti said...

I was a Camel humper for about 10 years. Recently, I ran across this tale by Catherine Austin Fitts about RJR's role in drug smuggling & money laundering. If I'd known about it then (80s), I'd have switched brands sooner! Here's the link to Chapter 3 (tho' the entire tale is worth a read!): http://www.dunwalke.com/3_RJR_Nabisco.htm

7:31 PM  

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