How To Save Print
Hearst, Zell, Murdoch, Scaife, Sulzberger--Here it is. Behold my completely serious, entirely workable, fail proof plan for saving newspapers. Free papers should go this route as well. Why deny yourself the revenue stream?
Looks like I'm not a moment too soon. The SF Chronicle might go on the block. Either someone's going to buy it or the kids in the local school district will be be getting some more computers. There's no reason why my idea won't save it.

Please Recycle.
Looks like I'm not a moment too soon. The SF Chronicle might go on the block. Either someone's going to buy it or the kids in the local school district will be be getting some more computers. There's no reason why my idea won't save it.

Please Recycle.
Genius. It's so obvious!
Except people will only buy newspapers from high up theItalian alps
So the Mount Everest Daily and the Glacial Times will enjoy a surge in popularity -- it'll still save the industry :D Priceless. Thanks for that.
p.s. -- always thought evian would make a better name for a publication than a bottle of tap water.
Hey, try reading your cartoon out loud using Bobby Jindal's voice. It makes something that's funny even funnier!
I can imagine now.
Editor of the Rocky Mtn. News: NOW he tells me!
Thank you for the David Brooks "reverse osmosis" - "sucks much less" remark. If you put him in a sealed plastic bottle, would you have a perfect vacuum?
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