Apr 15, 2009

The Difference

The Tea Parties are going on today and the coverage they are getting is extraordinary.

I remember protesting the Iraq War in 2003 before the invasion. I was in Washington, DC and had never seen so many people in one place before. Protests against our insane government were occurring all over the planet on that day--in some overseas cities a million people showed up.

There wasn't a single network promoting these events around the clock. In fact, I can't recall a single cable news host that was even sympathetic in those days--except Phil Donahue, whose show was canceled despite being the top rated program on MSNBC. There was no major funding and promotion from interest groups in Washington. There wasn't very much support from the Democratic Party, many of whom supported that bloody debacle.

If that many people descended on Washington today for a Tea Party Protest, conservative lawmakers would be trampling each other to get in front of the crowds and cameras.

I think Dennis Kucinich showed up at the one I was at.


Blogger Lloyd Dangle said...

That's because the anti-war protests didn't have the same homoerotic undertone.

12:38 PM  
Blogger Aaron Manton said...

Obama should hold a presser where he drinks a cup of tea.

1:43 PM  
Blogger Sumit Khanna said...

I've helped organize a war protest here in Chattanooga and participated in one the year before. We had between 100 and 200 people a year; sometimes more.

I remember reading about how Chicago had upwards of 11,000 even going into 2008. But none of this gets reported, or it's very under-reported. (The local new station said we had 50 protesters. We counted them. There were well over 100)

2:22 PM  
Blogger Matt S said...

Nate Silver was just talking about this as well - despite all that, they couldn't get much more than 260,000 NATIONWIDE.

8:00 AM  
Blogger Matt Bors said...

Yeah, I heard that number on one of the Sunday shows. It's interesting to hear everyone talking about the implications of the Tea Parties. I would guess there isn't one given those numbers.

1:45 AM  

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