Jul 20, 2009

Please Shoot Me

I made the mistake of turning on CNN tonight. Larry King was giving Joe Jackson free air time to spout all sorts of bizarre shit, such as claiming he never really beat Michael and the urgent need for Congress to open an investigation into MJ's death. I agree. Let's table health care reform for a while.

That segment was followed by King interviewing some woman who knows Debbie Rowe about Michael Jackson's sex life. A decrepit old man on his eighth or ninth wife was interviewing an unknown plastic surgery victim about her second-hand knowledge of Michael Jackson's sex life.

Then it was on to "AC 360." The first segment was about Michael Jackson. I could only think of August Pollak's latest cartoon on Cronkite.

John King was hosting "AC 360" and said you could log on to their website to find out why his eye was puffy. I'm not kidding.


Blogger Sumit Khanna said...

The coverage of Vietnam over Iraq says a lot about journalists; well not so much journalists as the main stream media.

There were some excellent journalists and dispatches from Iraq. Films like "Iraq: The Untold Story" won several awards and was very eye opening, as are films like "Control Room" and "No End in Sight"

From Vietnam we saw the famous image of a Vietnamese soldier shooting an unarmed suspected Vietcong operative in the head and the world was forced to see and think to themselves, "These are the people we are supporting?"

Today, most of conservative (and even liberal) American see Iraq as some kind of success, instead of gross incompetence and the destruction of an entire country. In the end we lost, and the Iraqis have their country back, although in pieces.

American media has failed to show its people the truth. Ad revenue trumps all.

9:07 AM  
Blogger Aaron Manton said...

I've thought somebody should sock one of those CNN guys in the eye, but I never thought anyone would really do it.

10:11 AM  

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