Mailbag Douchebag
With links as rebuttals.
You know Bors, you seem to be disappointingly sympathetic to the Obama Administration, when they have proven themselves to be nothing more than an extension of the Bush Regime. Are you just another propagandist shilling out the Propaganda of Change? Give us a break Bors. Your liberal bullshit is passe.
-Strugglin' in America
Srsly, wenn u gonna come clean about your hatred of GOD AND AMERICA?
Actually, I think you're kind of hard on Obama, but admittedly hard on him for the opposite things Mr. Douchbag would be.
Well, on the bright side, now you can do what Bill O'Reilly does: tell people -- "Look! Look! I get criticized from the Left as well as the right!! That means I am absolutely right smack-dab in the middle of the road, I have no agenda and everything I say is the God's honest 100% factual truth. Q.E.D."
(See "Fallacy of averages")
David, I think Mr.D-Bag is on the left since he says Obama is an extension of Bush.
One of the things I've always appreciated about your toons is that you attack the issues and not blindly follow into fandom for your favorite sports mean political team.
Politicians have to play a balancing game. Jimmy Carter refused to play that game; he made the tough decisions, raising interest rates and doing what he had to do to fix the country knowing it would cost him reelection. (I honestly think if it wasn't for Carter, Regan wouldn't have had a stable economy. Carter's decisions held this country's economy well into the Clinton era).
Obama isn't making those tough decisions. He's playing safe in a time when he has the momentum to make massive reform. Giving gays the federal right to unions (those weddings would be a huge boost to the economy...I bet the feminine counterpart to a gay relationship would spend ass-tons on a wedding), real public health care options and ending this useless war in Afghanistan would push this country in the right direction.
He only promise the first two in the campaign, but he's already flaking out on both. He needs to stop being such a damn moderate. Bush wasn't.
How DARE you express a viewpoint on issues and personalities through funny drawings? We get our news 'n views from the Tay-Vay!
Matt -- trashing Obama for his failings is not the same as embracing the lunacy of the right wing. When you get going on doing that... then we'll talk.
That's one confused D'Bag as he's against the Bush regime in one sentence but hates you're liberal bullshit in another. I'm leaning that he's a rightist d'bag who saw one cartoon he thought was soft on Obama and that mad him very angry.
The best compliment I ever saw for a cartoonist was a web site that listed Oliphant as both right AND left. Keep up the good work and keep them righties confused.
"Proven themselves"? No.
Obama is doing a great job; he hasn't failed. He has been better for America in his 7 months in office than GWB was in his 8 years.
With your definition,we should have an election every 10 months so we can replace our president. Of course a one term limit would be your wish.
If Obama did everything on Day 1 you would criticize him as a ... dictator.
- Old fashioned liberal shill
"Fallacy of averages" is great. Another example is what happens to the average yearly income of a room full of the 100 most destitute people when BGates enters the room.
"Average" is usually used because it's a somewhat understandable term.
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