Wait Times

Whoever thought town halls on healthcare was a good idea must have been under the mistaken impression that the American people are susceptible to reasoned debate. Democracy In Action is a great theory, but in the Truman Show world we live in every political act takes place not for the moment, but for the cable news drama porn circuit. It's a circus.
Seniors are worried "death panels" are going to turn them into Soylent Tomato Basil Wheat Thins (I can eat a whole box of those in one sitting) and lunatics are protesting "socialism" by brandishing the guns their squeezed working class asses can barely afford to buy bullets for.
One of your funniest in weeks...
I live in a socialized health care country, and know that euthanasia rules.
The 'liberal' media are at it again:
Don't waste your time with the article, but look at the photo captions: a swastike painted on a congressman's sign, with no note telling the reader the congressman is black or a Democrat. Also funny is the photo of a man berating Arlen Specter with the caption telling us the uncouth, shouting moron in question was simply 'voicing his complaints'. Why do these mouth-breathers get such a broad free pass?
Mmm, I like those tomato basil wheat thins. They taste like pizza! Unfortunately my wife hates them.
Also, people are stupid.
Coincidentally, I have a cartoon about waiting rooms up today.
I've tried really hard not to follow the news on this issue lately, because there's no way health care in this country will ever get fixed. Just so sad.
The story last nite about the mass free clinic from the Great Western Forum looked like something out of a third world country.
I'm actually getting worried about you guys. The person who ran for Vice President representing one of the major parties expressly says that the President **plans** to take her baby and grandmother away and murder them. Stephen Hawking would be euthanised ***IF*** he lived in the UK!!?!?
You're at the stage where the heavily armed space ship cult has it's beliefs incontravertably disproved by the facts. What do they usually do then? Come back to reason with a sheepish shrug and embarrased grin?
Not usually.
I object to this cartoon on the grounds poor people really are this scary.
Personally I prefer Soylent Peanut Butter Wholewheat.
Personally I prefer Soylent Peanut Butter Wholewheat.
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