I received a lot of mail about my Kennedy strip from people unable to get over Chappaquiddick and angry that I would dare suggest anyone on earth is more immoral than Ted Kennedy. I thought I'd post the following exchange since it sums up my feelings on some things more succinctly than I could probably get across in my wordy comics.
On Sat Sep 5 20:55 , 'SYeomans' sent:
On Sat Sep 5 20:55 , 'SYeomans' sent:
Do you seriously believe that there is not moral difference between fighting the Taliban after being voted for by the Dems in the congress and getting drunk, driving off a bridge and leave a young lady to die alone in agony? I think you got the result of your game wrong.On Sat Sep 5 22:01 , 'mattbors' sent:
S Yeomans
Given the amount of innocent civilians that were killed, no I do not.On Sat Sep 6 0:16 , 'SYeomans' sent:
On Sat Sep 6 1:09 , 'mattbors' sent:When do you start the count for Obama and congress?
Jan. 20th, 12:01 pm
Just a quick point that has been irritating me. Murder is the unlawful killing of one person with malice aforethought. To everyone who continues to try and classify what Kennedy did as murder: please stop. You're just wrong and twisting terminology for the purpose of making the act seem more heinous.
Does no one remember that Bush was the first president elected with a criminal record for driving under the his 30's!
Obama won't be held innocent either. He's got the deaths in Afghanistan plus all the unprosecuted people from the torture memos and all the prisoners which are still being held illegally.
Also, as I'm sure this will come up, none of this compares in any way to Hitler or the Nazis. Goodwin's Law. Look it up.
Do these people plan to harass Laura Bush's accident for the rest of her life as well?
Dave has a point about Laura Bush, plus she wasn't even drunk or anything. But of course, she's not Ted Kennedy.
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